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  • Daniel Troy - Bush Administration's Preemption Gang - Part II
    Feb-26-08 Washington, DC: In the fall of 2004, Daniel Troy left the FDA armed with the preemption policy he put in place. Now a partner at Sidley Austin Brown & Wood, Mr Troy works for a firm that he told Lily Henning of the Legal Times on September 20, 2005, "represents pretty much almost every company" in the brand-name drug industry. In fact, Sidley Austin i...
  • Is Your Kidney Failure Due to Trasylol?
    Feb-25-08 Nashville, TN If the February 17th edition of 60 Minutes on CBS wasn't enough to condemn Trasylol in the eyes of Americans, the publication of two additional studies slamming the safety of Trasylol should convince any remaining doubters regarding the mounting evidence that Trasylol leads to an increase in death and kidney failure . In one of two ne...
  • Daniel Troy - Bush Administration's Preemption Gang - Part I
    Feb-25-08 Washington, DC: Judging by the line-up of current and former Bush Administration attorneys representing the pharmaceutical industry against private citizens in courts all over the country, no conflict-of-interest regulations apply to attorneys who work for Bush. The self-identified primary author of the preemption language in the new drug labeling rul...
  • Botox Could Leave You Breathless
    Feb-23-08 Washington, DC: Recent concern over adverse effects , including deaths stemming from injections of Botox and Myobloc for both cosmetic uses and muscular conditions appear to carry much more weight in Europe, than it has in the US. It also appears to carry more weight with consumer advocacy groups such as Public Citizen, than with the US Food and...
  • Patent Infringement, Gentex Corporation pays $2.5 million settlement related to dimming mirrors and fire protection products
    New York, NY: (Feb-21-08) K.W. Muth Company, Inc., Muth Company LLC, Muth Glass Technologies LLC and Muth Mirror Systems LLC brought charges against Gentex Corporation, the Zeeland, Michigan-based manufacturer of automatic dimming rearview mirrors and commercial fire protection products, alleging patent infringements and breach of contract. Sources close t...
  • Two New Studies Provide Evidence of Trasylol Dangers
    Feb-22-08 Philadelphia, PA: Two new studies have been conducted that confirms that kidney damage, and even death, can result from the use of Trasylol to reduce bleeding during heart bypass surgeries. Both studies have suggested that the drug increases the risk over the short-term and the long-term. Bayer AG, the maker of Trasylol, halted marketing efforts in...
  • Botox: Lose the Wrinkles, Lose Your Life?
    Feb-22-08 Washington, DC Got a Botox shot lately, to mitigate those wrinkles? Here's the thing—Botox could actually provide one little wrinkle of its own: You could die from it . Earlier this month the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was petitioned by the advocacy group Public Citizen to release warnings about Botox, a product that is more generall...
  • FDA Renews Concerns Regarding Botox and Death
    Feb-21-08 Hollywood, CA: The FDA is now renewing their concerns regarding the risk of death and other health issues that can arise as a result of using Botox. This renewed concern comes after the group Public Citizen, based out of Washington, asked the FDA to place the strongest possible black box warning on the Allergan company's very popular anti-aging product. It...
  • Nearly a Third of Bypass Patients Given Trasylol
    Feb-21-08 Seattle, WA: It has been found that Trasylol was given to as many as one-third of U.S. patients who had undergone heart bypass or comparable surgery before the November 2007 recall of the drug, according to researcher Dr. Dennis Mangano. Approved by the FDA in 1993, Trasylol is used to reduce bleeding during heart bypass surgery by blocking the enzyme...
  • Medtronic Sprint Fidelis: Supreme Court Sides with Medtronic in Key Case
    Feb-20-08 Washington, DC On Wednesday, February 20, the US Supreme Court handed down its decision in the closely watched Riegel v. Medtronic case. Upholding lower court decisions, the Supremes affirmed by 8-1 the dismissal of a state lawsuit brought against Medtronic by the family of the late Charles Riegel. Riegel suffered severe injuries in 1996 when a Medt...
  • Trasylol: A Thousand Deaths a Month
    Feb-18-08 Long Island, NY You have seen his name before, in various articles about Trasylol , the now-vilified drug that was removed from the active market by Bayer AG on November 5th of last year following a two-year hailstorm of salacious revelations. Joe Randone, a 52-year-old sales rep from Long Island New York. Suffering from a heart murmur since he wa...
  • Housing Inmates, City of Renton pays Yakima County $1.7 million settlement
    Yakima, WA: (Feb-13-08) Yakima County brought a lawsuit against the city of Renton, over issues regarding the housing of inmates in the Yakima County jail. Records show that the suit was filed counter to Renton's filing a claim to recover more than $400,000 spent to house inmates elsewhere. Yakima officials said that in 2006, Renton withdrew from a contr...
  • Washington State Patrol's Lab Bureau Boss Resigns amid Whistleblower Allegations
    Feb-16-08 Olympia, WA A whistleblower has allegedly accused the toxicology lab of falsification of information involving breathalyzer tests both voluntary and involuntary. Amid the allegations the head of the Washington State Patrol Lab Bureau, Barry Logan, has stepped down from his position. This is an alleged mutual agreement between Logan and the lab. The lab is...
  • Asbestos: Remove? Or Leave Well Enough Alone?
    Feb-15-08 Washington, DC: There is a myth out there about asbestos. Oh, it's a health hazard all right, and as a known carcinogen it can cause asbestos mesothelioma . However, the popular belief that if you have asbestos in your building you've got to get it out of there, could be flawed. In fact, many experts agree that it is best, provided asbestos is properly...
  • California Labor Law: Verbal Abuse leads to Personal Injury
    Feb-14-08 Jose, CA Lisa D. put up with verbal abuse and harassment from her manager for two years. The situation got so out of control that she it now on disability. "I was making $16 per hour and I'm not sure yet what percentage I will get on disability," says Lisa, "but I'll be able to pull through this, as long as I am secure in knowing I have a job to go back...
  • Lawsuit Against GSK Alleges Avandia To Blame For Injury Requiring Heart Bypass Surgery
    Feb-13-08 Philadelphia, PA: Pat Kelly and his wife Sandra Kelly of Grove, Oklahoma, filed a lawsuit on February 12, 2008, against Philadelphia-based GlaxoSmithKline ("GSK"), the maker of Avandia , in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania - Case 2:08-cv-00667-RK, accusing GSK of causing serious injury to Mr. Kelly due to its negligence, fr...
  • Lawmakers Catch Glaxo Hiding Paxil Suicide Risks - Again (Part II)
    Feb-13-08 Washington, DC Apparently, GlaxoSmithKline is still trying to hide damaging information about Paxil, because 9 pages of a report released from under a court order last month, are not available to the public. However, Senator Charles Grassley has instructed Glaxo to provide him with the full report by February 14, 2008. In the report, which is dated roug...
  • Sallie Mae 401(k): Their Stock Dropped, and Yours May Have, Too...
    Feb-12-08 Reston, VA A move by Sallie Mae (SLM Corporation) to cut back on its core business has resulted in the corporation taking a stock hit. After the move was announced January 3, SLM Corporation stock dropped a sizeable $2.49 per share, closing at $16.67 per share. This announcement, together with the resulting drop in share price, may have negatively imp...
  • Lawmakers Catch Glaxo Hiding Paxil Suicide Risks - Again (Part I)
    Feb-12-08 Washington, DC GlaxoSmithKline recently received greetings from a Congressional Committee, asking the company to explain the findings in a report unsealed last month in a lawsuit which shows that Glaxo knew as early as 1989 that Paxil increased the risk of suicidal behavior in patients by more than 8-fold compared to patients who received a placebo. In...
  • National City Bank Investigated for Possible ERISA Breach
    Feb-12-08 Cleveland, OH The bank credited with writing the very first mortgage in America has also joined the ranks of those suffering huge losses thanks to the nation's credit crisis. In so doing, National City Bank may have breached its fiduciary duties surrounding prudent management of National City 401(k) retirement Plans. According to provisions contained...
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