Whistleblower Lawyer Interviews
Untold Story of Opioid Epidemic: Attorney Explains Kickbacks and Billing Fraud

Washington, DC It’s not the users. It’s the doctors. In a November 22 interview with, attorney Jason Brown told a strange two-track story where healthcare whistleblower lawsuits meet the opioid epidemic. It’s not pretty. He believes that 2018-2019 will bring a proliferation of whistleblower lawsuits that target the real villains – the doctors and the healthcare system within which they operate.
Read [ Untold Story of Opioid Epidemic: Attorney Explains Kickbacks and Billing Fraud ]
Tipsters Play Huge Role in Rooting Out Financial Fraud

New York, NY: The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been relentless in its pursuit of wrongdoers in the financial industry. Since 2011 it has recovered $975 million in enforcement actions ranging from elaborate investment schemes to financial advisors that work to benefit themselves rather than investors.
Read [ Tipsters Play Huge Role in Rooting Out Financial Fraud ]
Healthcare Fraudsters Caught in Giant DOJ Sweep

Washington, DC: Rooting out healthcare fraud is a top priority for the Department of Justice (DOJ) and on July 17, 2017 the DOJ announced a massive $1.3 billion crackdown on healthcare professionals involved in schemes to defraud Medicare, Medicaid and healthcare services for US veterans and their families.
Read [ Healthcare Fraudsters Caught in Giant DOJ Sweep ]
Doctor from Dallas Collects $11.4 million for Blowing the Whistle on Healthcare Fraud

Dallas, TX A Dallas doctor decided in 2009 to blow the whistle on a physician over a billing scam that was costing the healthcare system and American taxpayers millions and millions of dollars. Six years later, after a long investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ), Dr. Bijan Oughatiyan’s former employer, IPC Healthcare Inc., was ordered to pay $60 million plus interest, to settle a false claims case brought against the company based on the information the whistleblower doctor provided.
Read [ Doctor from Dallas Collects $11.4 million for Blowing the Whistle on Healthcare Fraud ]
Qui Tam Whistleblowers and Healthcare Fraud: “It’s a Completely Criminal Enterprise”

Washington, DC: “We even have qui tam whistleblower cases that involve doctors paying illegal runners to find people who are destitute on Medicare. They get a little treatment but the doctor bills for a lot,” says attorney Jason Brown. “They figure these people won’t complain but employees of that practice will blow the whistle.”
Read [ Qui Tam Whistleblowers and Healthcare Fraud: “It’s a Completely Criminal Enterprise” ]
Cash for Whistleblowers in the Health Care Industry

The US government doesn’t like to be cheated. In fact, the government dislikes being cheated so much that it will pay people to tell on fraudsters that submit false or inflated bills for government services or try to avoid paying money they owe to the government.
Tax Fraud Attorney: “We’re Talking About Cheating”

Miami, FL: Individuals who are willing to act as tax fraud whistleblowers may be able to collect a percentage of the money recovered by the IRS. According to attorney Ben Stewart, of Stewart Law Group, tax fraud is a widespread problem that affects all law-abiding taxpayers and results in higher taxes.
Read [ Tax Fraud Attorney: “We’re Talking About Cheating” ]
$23.4 Million for Medical Sales Exec Who Blew the Whistle

Clemency by Christmas Campaign Starts for Bradley Birkenfeld

Attorney Discusses Whistleblowers and Qui Tam Lawsuits

- Whistleblowers from Outcasts to Heroes By Brenda Craig (Apr-21-09)