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  • Just Go Ahead and Try to Sue the Coast Guard
    Jul-8-09 Baltimore, MD What happens if the Coast Guard miscalculates a critical piece of safety information and that miscalculation is implicated in an accident that resulted in the death of five people? According to a June 2009 decision by the Federal Court, the Coast Guard is immune from any financial liability. "I respectfully disagree with the court's interpre...
  • Burger King Discrimination Class Action Reaches Proposed $19M Settlement
    New York, NY: A proposed settlement has been reached in a discrimination class action lawsuit pending against Burger King. The lawsuit, brought by individuals who use wheelchairs and scooters for mobility, allege that they encountered access problems at certain California BURGER KING leased restaurants. Specifically, the class action lawsuit all...
  • Dog Bites Peak in Summer Months
    Jul-5-09 Huntsville, AL As we head into the most prolific season for potential dog bite injury , there are a number of issues to be aware of with regard not only to dog bite law, but also of health issues that are becoming an increasing concern as the result of (CASE PAGE LINK dog_bites). It's also a sad fact that with the onset of warm weather, the phone for the...
  • Your Swimming Pool Filter is a Bomb Warns California Attorney
    Jul-4-09 San Francisco, CA: Attorney Kevin Lancaster's office gets calls from people injured in pool filter explosions with an alarming frequency. "I've had four calls this morning about four different pool filter explosions," says Lancaster. The calls don't really surprise Lancaster. He has been fighting on behalf of people injured or killed – yes killed – b...
  • Interview with Cipro and Avelox Attorney Mike Stratton
    Jun-25-09 New Haven, CT: " Cipro (Ciprofloxacin) and Avelox are 'last resort' antibiotics to kill off very dangerous forms of bacteria but they have been marketed and advertised way beyond what is appropriate for patients' conditions," says Attorney Mike Stratton of Stratton Faxon. He adds that Bayer, the manufacturer of both drugs, has been "cagey" about Cipro...
  • MRI Health Risks: Research, Recent Cases and Lawsuits
    Jun-24-09 Carlsbad, NM Carlsbad Open MRI lab is putting into place safety checks regarding Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) procedures that require the use of injecting contrast agents, about a year after warnings about MRI health risks , namely gadolinium kidney failure associated with the dye. Carlsbad Open MRI says it will only inject patients with the rec...
  • When Antitrust Stifles a Move up the Ladder
    Jun-5-09 Washington, DC When an employee of one company jumps ship and defects to a competitor, is such an event cause to suspect a breach of antitrust laws ? Most would agree that such practice is simply healthy competition. However, what happens when companies are alleged to collude NOT to hire each other's employees? Is that a violation? Antitrust policy is a c...
  • Plavix Lawsuit - Plavix Bleeding, Plavix Stomach Bleeding, Plavix Side Effects
    Patients who take Plavix to ward off heart attack or stroke may find that the risk of Plavix side effects is greater than the potential benefit. Studies suggest a link between Plavix and bleeding and a risk of Plavix interactions with other medications. Patients who have been harmed by use of Plavix may be eligible to file a Plavix lawsuit against t...
  • $200 Million Settlement Agreed for Discover Card Customers
    Washington, DC: Discover Bank has agreed to pay $200 million to settle consumer fraud allegations brought by federal investigators concerning credit card add-ons that consumers were led to believe were free. After a one year investigation into the telemarketing and sales tactics used by Discover agents, federal investigators found that consumer...
  • "Thanks to Unum, I Crashed Before the Recession"
    May-31-09 Amarillo, TX Sharon wonders if you have to be on your death bed to collect long term disability benefits from Unum . First she had a skin disease then her kidneys shut down. She was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, lung disease and more. She has also been in the hospital 9 times with pneumonia. Yet Unum Provident only paid her short term disability be...
  • Whistleblower Lawsuit Leads to Nationwide Investigation
    May-30-09 Buffalo, NY A whistleblower lawsuit settlement not only cost the defendants involved significant coin, it saved the struggling US health care industry millions—and all thanks to two men who engaged in some conscience-clearing whistleblowing with backing from the Whistleblower Act. Craig Patrick and Chuck Bates were former employees of Kyphon...
  • Why Gadolinium is Dangerous--and Subsequent Lawsuits
    May-26-09 Washington, DC: Gadolinium is a rare earth element that is used in microwave applications; color TV tubes, synthetic gemstones, compact discs and computer memory are also manufactured using gadolinium. Nuclear marine propulsion systems use it as a burnable poison and it is even used to create emergency shut-down systems in some nuclear reactors. It is al...
  • Zappos Reaches Data Breach Settlement with Nine States
    Los Angeles, CA: Inc. has reached a settlement in a data breach class action filed by nine states. The clothing retailer announced a no-fault assurance of voluntary compliance settlement of enforcement actions related to the hacking which was made public in January 2012. The data hack affected 24 million customers, whose personal inform...
  • Consumer Fraud Goes Up in a Down Economy
    May-17-09 New York, NY You know what they say—what goes up must come down. And when the economy goes through a downturn, what tends to come up is consumer fraud . When the economy sours, scammers tend to redouble their efforts. The Consumer Fraud Act provides a level of consumer protection against fraud artists bent on taking advantage of you. Since the econo...
  • Wal-Mart Accused of Workplace Discrimination
    May-14-09 Fresno, CA It may seem like a problem from decades ago, but workplace discrimination is allegedly still occurring. Discrimination lawsuits are frequently filed, claiming that the defendants discriminated against employees on the basis of race, age and/or gender. The good news is that there are laws designed to protect people from employee discrimination;...
  • Plaintiffs Get Settlement in Long Term Care Insurance Lawsuit
    May-14-09 Kansas City, MO Consumers who purchased long term care insurance are now fighting back against policies that they say are unfair and unreasonable. Some consumers are fighting back by filing long term care insurance lawsuits, alleging their insurance provider misled them or denied their claims on a questionable basis. Recently, 1 class action lawsuit, fil...
  • Settlement Approved in Google Slide Text Message Class Action Lawsuit
    Los Angeles, CA: Final approval of a settlement in the spam text messaging class action pending against Google subsidiary Slide Inc, has been granted. The lawsuit alleges Google' Slide violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) by sending text messages to consumers regarding the "Disco"messaging service without receiving prior express co...
  • "On Call" Restrictions an Issue with California IT Overtime
    May-2-09 San Francisco, CA Alan works for a goliath IT company and he is often required to do 24/7 "on-call" shifts, but the company says they are not required to pay California IT Overtime . This similar rationale applies to just about any position related to information technology. However, Alan believes he is justifiably owed , overtime. " For the past two year...
  • Racial Bias an Affront to Discrimination Law
    Apr-27-09 Poplar Bluff, MO Various examples of religious discrimination and the lawsuits that have ensued show the breadth and power of discrimination law. Religion discrimination holds no sway in a contemporary, educated and tolerant society. There are many examples of this, together with the reality that some discrimination takes the form of harassment. B...
  • First Acceptance Insurance Reaches $3.2M Employment Class Action Settlement
    Nashville, TN: A $3.2 million settlement has been reached in two employment class action lawsuits brought against auto insurance company First Acceptance, based in Green Hills, TN. The company was facing allegations of labor law violations, specifically misclassification of its agents as exempt employees, violating the Fair Labor Standards Act...
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