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  • If Paxil doesn't Kill you with Guilt, Nothing Will
    Jul-9-07 Toledo, OH Kristie Crayne started taking Paxil in 2000 and stayed on it during her pregnancy. Her daughter Megan was born in 2001. "I met other Moms' in the hospital who had also taken Paxil," says Crayne. "None of us knew Paxil caused birth defects. When you are sitting together in NICU you talk about how you are coping with a sick baby. 'I love that pi...
  • Paxil and Birth Defects Lawsuit: I Just Hope We Can Help Others
    Jun-30-07 Concord, NH "Every time I saw my Ob/Gyn during my pregnancy, I asked if it was safe to be taking Paxil , and every time he said there were absolutely no risks," says Tanya Barnes. But Tanya doesn't blame the doctor -- he was also kept in the dark about Paxil. "Paxil didn't mention anything about possible birth defects. " "I started taking Paxil in 200...
  • Paxil and Birth Defects: I Blamed Myself for Too Long
    Jun-20-07 Batavia, IL "I took Paxil for two months before I knew I was pregnant," says Shae Conlin. "My daughter lived for one hour until she passed away in my husband's arms." Shae was prescribed Paxil at the beginning of 2000 for anxiety. She was also taking the birth control pill at the time, so her pregnancy came as quite a surprise. But she stopped taking th...
  • Paxil and the Damage Done
    Jun-13-07 Toledo, OH " In 2004, my wife took Paxil during the first trimester of her pregnancy," says Roy Gueldenzoph. "Two days after our daughter was born, our doctor gave us two options: do nothing and she dies, or get her to a heart specialist immediately. We opted for the latter." Kenndyl was born in September, 2004 and lived for just 18 days. "She passed...
  • SSRIs and Birth Defects: More Data Urgently Needed
    Jun-1-07 Atlanta, GA There is a problem out there for prospective mothers and fathers. The problem is that instead of being able to find good information on the interplay between SSRIs (a group of antidepressants including Zoloft, Paxil and Prozac) and safe pregnancy, there is a big black void. In its information on medication use during pregnancy and breastfe...
  • Lawmakers Want to End Big Pharma Recruitment Schemes - Part 2
    May-30-07 Washington, DC: The whole idea of mining for psychiatric drug customers by screening all Americans for mental health disorders came to fruition as the result of the campaign contributions by the pharmaceutical industry, which in large part helped George W Bush take up residence in the White House. To repay his enormous debt to the industry, on April 29,...
  • Lawmakers Want to End Big Pharma Recruitment Schemes - Part 1
    May-29-07 Washington, DC: Federal lawmakers are stepping up the pace to put a stop to the pharmaceutical industry's customer recruitment schemes used to boost the sale of psychiatric drugs by tugging at heartstrings in promoting mental health screening programs as suicide prevention tools. On May 18, 2007, US House of Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas), a physicia...
  • GlaxoSmithKline Paxil Child Promotion Class Action Settlement
    St. Luis, IL: (May-24-07) A settlement has been reached with Britain-based GlaxoSmithKline over a 2004 lawsuit which claimed that the drugmaker promoted the drug, Paxil, to children while withholding information about negative side effects, including increased suicidal behavior. The company agreed to a $64 million class action deal to settle claims. Parent...
  • Avandia Concerns Known Since 2000
    May-24-07 Chapel Hill, NC The diabetes drug Avandia , which has been in the news this week following a report in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) over concerns of a link to heart problems, continues to percolate throughout the prescription drug world - and telling information, lurking beneath the surface almost since the drug fist came onto the market, is...
  • More Studies Examine SSRI and Birth Defects
    May-20-07 Seattle, WA: More studies are now underway to determine the link between certain types of antidepressants, known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and birth defects . Currently, The Yale Pink and Blue Study is being conducted to determine the association between depression, anti-depressant use during pregnancy, and the risk of del...
  • Abogado especializado en defectos congenitos por Lexapro
    Lexapro (también conocido como Escitalopram) es un tipo de antidepresivo denominado inhibidor selectivo de la recaptación de serotonina (ISRS). Se utiliza para tratar la ansiedad y los trastornos depresivos severos. Recientemente, los ISRS tales como Lexapro tomados durante el embarazo han estado asociados a graves defectos congén...
  • Defecto congénito de HPPR vinculado a Prozac
    Al ser uno de los antidepresivos más vendidos, el Prozac se ha recetado a más de 54 millones de personas en todo el mundo, incluso a embarazadas. Si se toma durante un embarazo avanzado, puede causar defectos congénitos graves. El Prozac (fluoxetina) es un inhibidor selectivo de la recaptación de serotonina (ISRS), utilizado par...
  • Defectos Cardiacos Congenitos Vinculados a Paxil
    En diciembre de 2005, la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos (FDA) advirtió a las mujeres embarazadas y a sus médicos acerca de un aumento del riesgo de defectos cardíacos en los recién nacidos vinculados al antidepresivo Paxil (cuyo nombre genérico es paroxetina). La FDA revisó dos estudios que descubriero...
  • Paxil Claims a Short Life
    May-15-07 Omaha, NE "My wife took Paxil before and during her pregnancy and everything was fine," says Trever Hargitt. "This was going to be our third so we knew what to expect -- or thought we did..." Keagan Hargitt lived only three short weeks due to heart and lung failure. "Now we will never know what our son could have grown up to be." "There was nothing...
  • Groups Warn against taking Paxil while Pregnant
    May-13-07 Houston, TX Paxil , a drug marketed as a way to treat depression, may have caused a lot of suffering for families after fetuses exposed to the drug were born with birth defects. Women took Paxil while pregnant, believing professionals who told them that Paxil was perfectly safe. The truth is that Paxil can cause serious birth defects in infants. Defec...
  • Paxil, Birth Defects and Autism
    May-11-07 Over the past few years, has interviewed dozens of women who took Paxil during their pregnancy and whose babies were born with birth defects. During these interviews, many women told us that their children -- usually about age three and upwards -- were also diagnosed with autism. Mothers reported that some children are high-f...
  • Defectos congenitos cardiacos provocados por Zoloft
    El Zoloft (el nombre genérico es sertralina) es un medicamento utilizado para el tratamiento de la depresión, trastornos obsesivo-compulsivos, trastornos de pánico y de estrés post traumático. Pertenece al grupo de antidepresivos conocidos como inhibidores selectivos de recaptación de serotonina (ISRS). La Adm...
  • Paxil Caused PPHN, Grief and Guilt
    May-7-07 Watertown, SD: "Several months after my son Nathan passed away, I started to do a lot of research on PPHN and discovered there was a link between Paxil and the birth defects he had," says Jennifer Berg. "I felt sick, I felt it was my fault." "I know it wasn't my fault but it's still so hard to swallow.," she says. Berg took Paxil for about five years,...
  • Babies Exposed to SSRIs face variety of Birth Defects
    Apr-28-07 Boston, MA: Women who are taking Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) face a dilemma upon learning they are pregnant. The question is whether or not they should continue taking their antidepressants. However, women today have more information about the link between SSRIs and birth defects, including Primary Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newbor...
  • Judge Approves Final Terms of Improved National Pediatric Paxil Class Action Settlement - Consumers Get a Better Deal
    Apr-27-07 Madison County, IL Madison County Associate Judge Ralph Mendelsohn today approved and amended the national pediatric Paxil class settlement which will provide more payment to people who paid for Paxil for use by a minor. The case was based on documents showing that GSK had determined that Paxil failed to out-perform placebo for depressed minors yet GSK rec...
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