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  • Prevacid Complications Lawsuit News & Legal Information
    Prevacid is a proton pump inhibitor, used to treat symptoms of acid reflux. According to reports, Prevacid side effects could include an increased risk acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease. Studies suggest that the risk of Prevacid complications and the risk of proton pump inhibitor side effects increases as the length of use or the medicatio...
  • Tesla Stock Lawsuits Legal News and Lawsuit Information
    On August 8, 2018, Elon Musk, high flying CEO of Tesla, Inc. tweeted to the world that he was considering taking Tesla private at $420 per share. He said he had the money. The price of the stock skyrocketed, trading was temporarily suspended and the SEC launched an investigation into potential price manipulation. The financing later appeared to have depe...
  • Tennessee Employment Lawsuit News and Legal Information
    Tennessee labor lawsuits allege violations of Tennessee employment laws including overtime pay, discrimination and harassment. Tennessee labor law sets out guidelines for overtime, meal and rest breaks and other wage & hour laws. Possible violations of Tennessee employment law include wrongful termination, retaliation and discrimination. T...
  • Breast Implant Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Lawsuit News
    Washington, DC: Individuals with breast implants are at risk of developing a type of cancer called breast implant associated with anaplastic large cell lymphoma, known as BIA-ALCL, which was first identified over 20 years ago. Most current data suggest that BIA-ALCL occurs following implantation of breast implants with textured surfaces rather than those wit...
  • Avandia vinculado con ataques cardíacos y lesiones hepáticas
    Avandia: Casos verídicos y entrevistas Avandia asociado a insuficiencias cardíacas: ¿Avandia provocó el ataque cardíaco de esta mujer? Karen Trelford quedó anonadada tras ver el informe en la televisión, este verano, que denunciaba que el medicamento contra la diabetes Avandia presuntamente expon&iacut...
  • Asistencia Legal por Suturas Panacryl
    Las suturas Panacryl son un tipo de sutura o puntos absorbibles que se usan comúnmente para ayudar a la cicatrización de las heridas post-quirúrgicas. Estas suturas están diseñadas para ser absorbidas por el organismo de modo que no sea necesario quitarlas en el futuro. Lamentablemente, las suturas Panacryl pueden haber sid...
  • Nail gun injury legal help. File your complaint with a nail gun lawyer.
    Nail gun injuries are potentially life-threatening accidents that can result in serious harm to the victim. Because nails are designed to pierce and penetrate material, nail gun accidents can penetrate the victim's skin, putting him at risk of internal injuries. Despite warnings from doctors and researchers, nail guns are available at hardware stores...
  • Panacryl Sutures Legal Help.
    Panacryl sutures are a type of absorbable sutures, or stitches, that are commonly used to assist patient's wound healing after surgery. These type of sutures are intended to be absorbed by the body so there is no need for removal at a later time. Panacryl sutures unfortunately may have been the cause of more harm by not dissolving as intended. ...
  • Illinois Employment Labor Law
    Illinois labor law lawsuits allege violations of Illinois state labor laws including overtime pay and minimum wage violations. The rights of employees in Illinois are protected by a number of laws including the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, the Illinois Equal Pay Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)...
  • Colorado Employment and Labor Law Legal News and Lawsuits
    Colorado employment lawsuits allege employees in Colorado have been improperly treated by their employees. Colorado employment law requires employees be paid a minimum wage and overtime wage and prevents employees from being fired under certain circumstances. If employers in Colorado violate Colorado labor law , employees may be able to file a lawsuit...
  • Florida Employment Lawsuit News and Legal Information
    Florida labor law lawsuits allege violations of Florida state labor laws including overtime pay and minimum wage violations. The rights of employees in Florida are protected by a number of laws including the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). Possible violations of Florida employment labor law include wro...
  • Pennsylvania labor law | Pennsylvania employment law |
    Pennsylvania labor law lawsuits allege violations of Pennsylvania state labor laws including overtime pay and minimum wage violations. The rights of employees in Pennsylvania are protected by a number of laws including the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). Possible violations of Pennsylvania employment l...
  • Washington State Employment Labor Law
    Washington State labor law lawsuits allege violations of Washington state employment laws including overtime pay, discrimination and harassment. Washington state labor law sets out guidelines for minimum wage, meal and rest breaks and family care leave Possible violations of Washington employment law include wrongful termination, retaliation and discri...
  • Georgia Employment Labor Law
    Georgia labor law lawsuits allege violations of Georgia state labor laws including minimum wage and overtime pay violations. The rights of employees in Georgia are protected by laws including the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). Possible violations of Georgia employme...
  • Tommie Copper Deceptive Advertising Lawsuit, Legal News and Lawsuit Information
    A class action lawsuit has been filed against Tommie Copper, Inc. alleging the company's copper-infused compression clothing was falsely marketed to consumers. Tommie Copper has already agreed to pay more than $1 million to settle allegations of deceptive advertising linked to its copper-infused clothing. Tommie Copper Advertising...
  • Bravelle Fertility Drug Lawsuit Information & Legal News
    Ferring Pharmaceuticals faces allegations that its Bravelle fertility drug is ineffective following a fall 2015 recall of certain lots of the drug. The Bravelle recall reportedly concerned lots of the drug that were not as strong as specified, resulting in a lessened therapeutic effect. Bravelle lawsuits have been filed in the United States and Canada...
  • Onglyza and Kombiglyze XR Lawsuit News and Legal Information
    A US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel has recommended that Onglyza , known generically as saxagliptin, should carry an updated warning about the risk of Onglyza side effects including the potential for heart failure. The recommendation came in April after a study suggested a link between the use of Onglyza and heart failure . Saxagliptin...
  • Abogado del cáncer de pulmón del asbestos y del mesotelioma
    Mesotelioma es un cáncer de la mesothelium, un revestimiento de protección que incluye la mayor parte de los órganos internos del cuerpo. La única causa del mesotelioma conocida parece ser la exposición a partículas de amianto en el aire. El tiempo entre la exposición y la aparición de los sínto...
  • Internet Payday Loans
    anks and smaller financial institutions have been accused of becoming involved in Internet payday loans , short-term loans offered over the Internet that carry high interest rates. Although the banks themselves do not offer Internet loans , they may be allowing companies that do offer the loans to engage in predatory online loan activity, possibly in vio...
  • Demanda de Denunciante. Mande su Caso a un Abogado de Denunciantes.
    Un denunciante puede ser cualquier persona que a sido testigo y luego informa de mala conducta por parte de un individuo, una organización, o de una entidad gubernamental. Normalmente, la falta de conducta implica una violación de cualquier ley o reglamento. Casos de denuncia de irregularidades pueden implicar fraude de acciones/valores...
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