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  • Pre-Settlement Funding Aids in Holding Inattentive Drivers Accountable
    Oct-24-14 Distracted driving is a huge factor in many auto accidents. We read about it daily. Victims of auto accidents due to the negligence of someone else may be eligible for compensation for damages incurred. A personal injury attorney can answer questions about auto accident compensation. Once a lawsuit is filed, a legal finance company can answer questions conce...
  • LCD Makers Agree $37M Settlement in Canadian Price Fixing Class Action Lawsuit
    Los Angeles, CA: A $37 million settlement has been reached in a Canadian price-fixing class action lawsuit filed against a group of major electronics companies and their affiliates. Under the agreements, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. and Samsung Electronics Canada Inc. will pay $21.25 million, and Innolux Corp. (successor to Chi Mei Optoelectronics Cor...
  • FDA Evaluating Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics for Peripheral Sensorimotor Neuropathy
    Fluoroquinolone side effects reportedly include an increased risk of serious problems including peripheral neuropathy and tendon rupture. The reported link between fluoroquinolones and peripheral neuropathy has led the FDA to announce an updated warning label for the medications. In 2008, the FDA added a boxed warning to alert patients to the link betw...
  • News and information on Levaquin lawsuits and side effects related to Peripheral Sensorimotor Neuropathy
    In 2013, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced it was updating the warning labels for fluoroquinolone antibiotics to better describe the risk of serious a fluoroquinolone side effect known as peripheral neuropathy . This serious side effect could be permanent and could reportedly occur soon after beginning treatment of the drugs. Lev...
  • Levaquin FAQ
    What is Levaquin ? Levaquin belongs to a class of antibiotics called fluroquinolones and is prescribed to millions of people each year. It is a powerful medication prescribed to treat certain bacterial infections, including pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus, skin, and urinary tract infections. Fluoroquinolones were originally designed and approv...
  • Benicar Lawsuit News and Legal Inforamtion
    Benicar Lawsuit Benicar lawsuits have reportedly been filed, alleging patients suffered serious Benicar side effects linked to their use of the drug. Among the side effects reportedly linked to Benicar is sprue-like enteropathy. Benicar Benicar (known generically as olmesartan) is a hypertension drug used to lower high blood pressure. It i...
  • Oregon Bad Faith Insurance Lawsuits
    Oct-23-14 Portland, OR Oregon breach of insurance contract claims are not rare. Policyholders who have had their Oregon long term disability claim denied on unreasonable grounds may be able to file a lawsuit to have their claims reviewed. Insurance policies are essentially a contract between the insurer and the policyholder. The agreement is that the policyhol...
  • Popular High Blood Pressure Drug Could Be Tip of the Litigation Iceberg
    Oct-23-14 Camden, NJ If there is one certainty about the pharmaceutical industry, it is that Big Pharma is never boring. And at the risk of appearing insensitive about the alleged harms from prescription medications suffered by innocent patients, the fact remains that Americans are hearing about an increasing number of long-approved drugs having seemingly new and un...
  • Kugel Mesh Victim Says She Would Rather Live with a Hernia
    Oct-23-14 Muskogee, OK Mary wishes she never had a Kugel Mesh patch implanted to treat a hernia. In fact, she would rather live with a hernia than the Composix Kugel Mesh patch. Back in 2006, Mary had a hiatal hernia protruding from the upper part of her stomach. She had surgery with the Kugel mesh but within a few weeks of recovery she was back to the surgeo...
  • A Pre- and-Post-Settlement Funding Primer
    Oct-23-14 Farmington Hills, MI You wouldn’t ask an electrician to fix your leaky faucet, just as you wouldn’t expect your neighborhood roofer to figure out what’s wrong with your car. Such is the case with any attempt to secure pre- or post-settlement funding from a traditional bank: they don’t understand what they’re advancing a loan for. To a bank, a...
  • Levaquin Lawsuit News and Information - Risk of peripheral neuropathy.
    Levaquin lawsuits claim that Levaquin medication has caused a number of tendon problems, including Levaquin tendon rupture , particularly Achilles tendon rupture. Levaquin has also reportedly been linked to an increased risk of peripheral neuropathy . Levaquin Linked To Tendon Ruptures Levaquin (levofloxacin) is a member of a class of drugs...
  • Levaquin FAQ
    What is Levaquin ? Levaquin belongs to a class of antibiotics called fluroquinolones and is prescribed to millions of people each year. It is a powerful medication prescribed to treat certain bacterial infections, including pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus, skin, and urinary tract infections. Fluoroquinolones were originally designed and approv...
  • Like Death and Taxes, There Is No Escape from a Xarelto Bleedout
    Oct-22-14 New York, NY And so it begins, the parade of Xarelto death lawsuits that allege a new-age blood thinner that was supposed to be way better than old, reliable but temperamental warfarin (brand name Coumadin) isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It’s more than a mere disappointment. People have died, allegedly due to the Achilles heel of...
  • Yasmin Pulmonary Embolism Found, Just in Time
    Oct-22-14 Worthington, MN When Jennie came out of surgery, she was told that Yasmin was the biggest factor in causing her to have a pulmonary embolism. And her doctor said that had she waited one more day, the 23-year-old wouldn’t be alive. “I was working as a student teacher in Denver last spring and started getting short of breath,” says J...
  • No Thanks, Zyprexa Diabetes
    Oct-22-14 White River Junction, VT You can understand a patient’s reticence over starting the antipsychotic drug Zyprexa and the potential for the onset of Zyprexa diabetes . One 65-year-old bipolar patient who submitted a question to posed that very question after being started on 10mg of Zyprexa. The answer to that question was that while Zyp...
  • Mother’s Warning: Do Not Take Depakote
    Oct-21-14 New Orleans, LA Diane doesn’t intend to pursue a Depakote lawsuit. Instead, she filed a claim with LawyersandSettlements so that she could make public her message: Do not take Depakote if you are pregnant or even if you could become pregnant. Diane (not her real name) has two healthy, bright children. They were born before she was prescribed D...
  • Testosterone Lawsuit Remanded to State Court in California
    Oct-21-14 Los Angeles, CA In spite of the fact that testosterone therapy for hypogonadism has carried approval by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for some 20 years now, it was the recent announcement by the federal regulator that it was investigating heart attacks and other unforeseen testosterone side effects that really got the ball rolling in terms...
  • Adderall Whistleblowers Result in $56.5 Million Blow to Shire Pharmaceuticals
    Oct-19-14 Washington, DC Shire Pharmaceuticals, the Adderall manufacturer, took a major blow last month: the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and a number of state AGs announced a settlement with the Irish drug company regarding violations of the False Claims Act. Shire will pay $56.5 million to settle accusations of making false claims in the marketing of its...
  • Traumatic Brain Injury Affects Adolescent Brains
    Oct-19-14 San Francisco, CA A new study suggests that suffering a brain injury at a young age can have a serious effect on children, including affecting their behavior. Traumatic brain injuries have been in the media lately due to their incidence in amateur and professional sport, and each year millions of people visit the emergency room for brain trauma. The...
  • Mirena Statute of Limitations Good News for Plaintiffs
    Oct-18-14 Alexandria, LA One main concern when filing a Mirena IUD claim is whether it is within the statute of limitations. But a federal judge in Louisiana recently ruled that the clock starts ticking when the plaintiff understands that she is the victim of a tort - much to Bayer’s dismay. A number of Mirena victims may not be immediately aware that t...
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