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  • Medtronic Infuse Bone Graft - Medtronic Lawsuit
    The Medtronic Infuse Bone Graft has been linked to life-threatening complications in patients who were given Medtronic off-label . Medtronic bone graft complications include swelling of the airways, which can cause difficulty breathing, speaking and swallowing. Medtronic Infuse has also been linked to retrograde ejaculation which can lead to male steril...
  • Fresenius y DaVita Dialysis Demandas
    Granuflo y Naturalyte demandas han sido presentadas en contra de Fresenius Medical Care North America, fabricante y distribuidor de productos de diálisis Granuflo y Naturalyte y DaVita Healthcare Partners , basada en sus acciones, es decir, errores de dosificación álcali llevaron a las muertes injustas de los pacientes en diálisis. Tanto Fresenius y Davi...
  • Zofran Birth Defects Lawsuit News and Legal Information
    Concerns have been raised about the possibility that Zofran side effects could include a risk of birth defects when mothers were prescribed Zofran to treat morning sickness. Although studies have produced conflicting results about the risk of Zofran birth defects , one news investigation has reportedly turned up reports of heart defects and kidney malfor...
  • DuPont, Corteva and Chemours to Pay State of Ohio $110 million
    Dec-11-23 Washington County, OH The chemical manufacturers of “forever chemicals”, namely DuPont, Corteva and Chemours, have reached a $110 million settlement with the state of Ohio. The PFOA lawsuit was filed by Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, claiming that PFOA, the manmade chemical perfluorooctanoic acid, was released in the air and water from DuPont’s...
  • Expert Warns SSRI Side Effects Could Double Risk of Heart Defect
    Jul-13-13 The United Kingdom An expert with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice) in Britain has warned about the risk of SSRI side effects in infants exposed to the antidepressants prior to birth. According to the Daily Mail (6/24/13), Professor Stephen Pilling is so concerned about the risks that he has urged doctors not to prescribe s...
  • Unum Claims Denials Cited as Defying Medical Science: Court
    Jul-8-12 Chattanooga, TN When the American Association for Justice (AAJ) put out its Top 10 List of worst insurance companies in the US, critics of Unum insurance were not surprised to find Unum named as the second-worst insurance company in America behind Allstate. And blogger Linda Nee writes that it's operational undertakings like systematic requests of poli...
  • Cantaloupe Recall - Listeria Cantaloupe, Cantaloupe Lawsuits
    On September 14, 2011, Jensen Farms announced a cantaloupe recall brought about by concern of listeria cantaloupe contamination. So far, approximately 25 people have died from bacteria linked to the listeria cantaloupe recall , which has affected people in 20 states. The Rocky Ford cantaloupe were shipped by Jensen Farms between July 29, 2011 and Sept...
  • Ataque Cardiaco por Bextra
    En el 7 de abril del 2005, la FDA le pidió a Pfizer, el fabricante de Bextra, que retire la medicina para el dolor en los EE.UU. debido a los riesgos de ataques cardíacos y accidentes cerebrovasculares en pacientes. "Health Canadá" rápidamente siguió el ejemplo y pidió a Pfizer que retire a Bextra de los estantes ca...
  • Avaulta - Bard Avaulta Mesh System, Avaulta Lawsuit
    Serious complications have been associated with transvaginal surgical mesh , which is used to treat pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). Lawsuits have been filed against C.R. Bard, the manufacturer of Bard Avaulta mesh , alleging the Bard Avaulta System is defective. Avaulta Mesh An increasing number of...
  • Stryker Rejuvenate Hip Implant Failure
    The Stryker Rejuvenate hip replacement device has been linked to an increased risk of metallosis. Although the Stryker Rejuvenate is not a metal-on-metal hip device, it has metal-on-metal components, which are believed to be responsible for the development of metallosis in some patients. According to reports, the Stryker Rejuvenate hip implant is linked to...
  • FDA Takes Tougher Stand on Zocor 20 Years After Initial Approval
    Jun-26-11 Washington, DC The announcement earlier this month by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with regard to serious Zocor side effects has prompted critics to wonder what cumulative damage the 80mg dose of Zocor (simvastatin) has wreaked in the 20 years since its approval by he FDA in 1991. That's the point made by blogger Matthew Herper, writing...
  • Kansas City Accident - Kansas City Vehicle Accident, Kansas City Accident Attorney
    Kansas City accidents can be life-changing events with devastating consequences for the people involved. Kansas City accidents can involve cars , trucks and motorcycles . Victims who survive a Kansas City accident may face massive bills for medical care and rehabilitation and may suffer loss of current and future wages. Kansas City Accide...
  • Hospital Burn Injury Lawsuits
    Research indicates that hundreds of people each year are affected by hospital burns as a result of a hospital fire . Most hospital fire lawsuits involve injury from ER fire or ER burn. Although the FDA has set guidelines regarding hospital fire safety , hospital injury lawyers are investigating an increasing number of hospital burn lawsuits . ...
  • ETHEX Corporation Risk of Death From Overdose Recall of Generic Drugs
    ETHEX Corporation has announced that it has recalled specific lots of 5 generic (non-brand name) medications that the company markets. The recall was announced due to a risk of serious ETHEX side effects , including an ETHEX drug overdose . The cause of the side effects is oversized tablets that contain extra amounts of the drugs' active ingr...
  • Paxil Birth Defects and Paxil Side Effects Lawsuits
    Some studies suggest that babies exposed to Paxil ( paroxetine ) during certain times before birth run a risk of experiencing Paxil side effects . Those Paxil-related birth defects include a risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN), oral cleft, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and coarction of the aorta. A potential link between...
  • Avandia's Safety Questioned
    Mar-14-10 New York, NY It's the stuff movies are made of: company executives arrange a secret meeting with a scientific expert who is trying to discredit the company. The expert secretly tapes the meeting and releases the tape to the media. Yet this is no movie script—according to the New York Times, this is exactly what happened when GlaxoSmithKline, maker of...
  • Heparin FAQ
    What is Heparin ? Heparin is a blood thinner, or anticoagulant, used in the treatment and prevention of blood clots. Heparin injection is given to patients before major surgery and a Heparin drip is often administered after surgery. Heparin is also given during dialysis, and for the bedridden.  How did Heparin contamination happen?...
  • Heparin Contamination, Heparin Drip, Heparin Injections, Heparin IV -
    Heparin is used to decrease the clotting ability of a patient's blood, and is widely referred to as a "blood thinner". Heparin injections may be given to patients before and after cardiac surgery; patients undergoing kidney dialysis and treatment of other medical conditions, including pulmonary emboli and Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). Heparin IV bags--used...
  • More Trouble for Ethex Corporation, More Drugs Recalled
    Jan-9-09 Rockville, MD The troubles continue for Ethex . Just weeks after the pharmaceutical manufacturer announced a recall of five generic drugs having the potential to be oversized, yet another generic drug in its roster has been put on the recall block for the exact same reason. Just before Christmas, Ethex Corporation triggered a voluntary recall of a...
  • Digitek: "This Pill is Too Thick"
    Sep-23-08 Tucson, AZ Sue took Digitek for about 10 years to control her irregular heart beat and palpitations and she was doing OK until last fall, when Sue believes she was given pills that were on the Digitek recall ." I got my prescription by mail from Medco and right away, I felt that the pills were too thick," says Sue. "I learn to feel everything because...
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