Workers' Compensation
Workers' Compensation lawyers can help you with workplace injury claims. These claims include any job injury such as workplace back injuries, occupational disease, wrongful death, construction site injuries, permanent disability compensation, slip and fall accident injuries, loss of wages, vocational rehabilitation, and medical compensation claims. Employees who suffer an injury on the job, including injuries caused by unsafe working conditions, may be eligible for workers' compensation.
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Workers' Compensation

Employees are eligible for workers' compensation regardless of whether the employer was at fault and whether the employee's negligence contributed to his injury. Generally, employees who receive workers' compensation benefits cannot bring a civil action against their employer for pain and suffering or other damages unless the employee can prove that the employer intentionally caused the injury.
Workers' compensation is administered by the states, often through private insurance companies. Because it is administered by the states, laws concerning workers' compensation generally vary state to state. Furthermore, the statute of limitations in workers' compensation claims may vary from state to state, so it is vital to file a workers' compensation complaint in a timely manner.
Workers' Compensation Laws

In most states, it is illegal for an employer to terminate, discipline or refuse to hire an employee for having reported a workplace injury or for having filed a workers' compensation claim. This means that if an employee is injured on the job and files a workers' compensation claim, he or she cannot be fired for filing that claim.
Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA)
The Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA) provides compensation benefits to people who work for the federal government and suffer a work-related injury or illness. The Act also provides benefits to surviving dependents if the work-related injury or illness results in death.Social Security Disability
The Social Security and Supplemental Security Income disability programs provide social security disability to people who are disabled or not able to work. However, filing social security claims can be complex and many claims are initially denied.Bad Faith Insurance
Bad faith insurance occurs when an insurance company denies a legitimate claim for illegitimate reasons. These illegitimate reasons can include an insurer's medical examiner overruling the doctor's diagnosis or opinion, or the insurance company requiring unnecessary paperwork, purposely denying certain high-cost claims, misusing claimants' medical records and reclassifying an injury as an illness.The Jones Act

Unlike other forms of workers' compensation, the Jones Act requires that the victim show the vessel's owners, operators, officers or the employee's coworkers were negligent in allowing the injury to occur. However, this negligence extends to failure to maintain the vessel or the vessel's equipment.
"Making a false or fraudulent workers' compensation claim is a felony subject to up to 5 years in prison or a fine up to $50,000 or double the value of the fraud, whichever is greater, or by both imprisonment and fine."For more information on employment law, including laws regarding overtime, harassment, discrimination and minimum wages, visit our Employment Law page.
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Sue Your Boss and Collect Unpaid Overtime. Count on us to fight for you against stingy employers who refuse to pay overtime or provide meal breaks. Also vehicle accidents, wrongful death and injury.
Workers Compensation Legal Help
If you or a loved one has suffered from a denied Workers' Compensation case, please click the link below to send your complaint to a lawyer to evaluate your claim at no cost or obligation.
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