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  • Zetia and/or Statins: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
    Apr-14-11 Halle-Wittenberg, Germany Can a drug designed to curb heart attacks also cause heart attacks in some people? Apparently, it's possible with statins or medication like Zetia when used in combination with a statin. Statins are designed to lower the "bad" cholesterol thought to be a contributing factor for heart attack and stroke, while leaving the so-cal...
  • Dog Bite Lawsuit—Dr. Phil Bites Back
    Apr-10-11 Beverly Hills, CA In December 2009, Janet Harris was visiting her friends Dr. Phil and Robin McGraw at their Beverly Hills mansion when she was bitten by their dog Maggie, a Korean Jindo. (Harris, a skin care specialist, was also a frequent guest on the Dr. Phil TV show.) According to the negligence lawsuit filed by Harris's personal injury...
  • Three Months
    Apr-9-11 Iowa City, IA His name is Manie and he was born with a rare heart defect that his mother blames on taking Paxil during the first three months of her pregnancy. Paxil side effects are alleged to pose a risk for grievous birth defects in children—including rare heart defects. The author of a blog post, Julie Edgington, on August 11, 2009, was comme...
  • A Checkered Success Rate for RMK Funds Investors
    Apr-7-11 Birmingham, AL There is little doubt that investment products known as RMK funds lost tremendous value when the sub-prime mortgage bubble burst. There is also the charge that RMK Funds manager James Kelsoe allegedly falsified the value of the Fund's mortgage-backed bonds. To that point, Kelsoe was so charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission (S...
  • Ballet Teacher's Career on Hold, Courtesy of Levaquin
    Apr-6-11 Toronto, ON "The first day that I took Levaquin (earlier this year for a slight sinus infection), I woke up later that night to a high-pitched ringing in my head—I thought it was the fire alarm," says Marcia, a ballet teacher. "I jumped out of bed but the sound came with me, it was in my head." The next day, Sunday, Marcia saw the doctor at a...
  • New Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agent Approved
    Mar-26-11 Washington, DC The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved another MRI contrast agent that contains gadolinium, despite a black box warning alerting patients to the risk of MRI contrast side effects. The new MRI contrast agent will also include the warning about the risk of gadolinium kidney failure, although the FDA reports that it is thoug...
  • Man Sues Four Loko Over Heart Damage
    Mar-21-11 Atlantic City, NJ: /> A man from New Jersey has filed a lawsuit against Phusion Projects, the makers of the once popular drink Four Loko alleging he suffered permanent heart damage from consuming the beverage. Michael Musctica, who is a tire salesman in Knowlton Township, filed the suit last week, claiming that after he drank 2.5 cans of Four Lok...
  • GlaxoSmithKline Sales Boost Projected After Approval of New Drug
    Mar-18-11 Washington, DC The first new treatment for the disease lupus in half a century recently received US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval and is expected to significantly aid GlaxoSmithKline sales , Reuters reports.  According to the news source, the FDA decided to approve Benlysta, which was discovered by Human Genome Sciences Inc. as a...
  • Will Actos Replace Avandia As Drug to Watch?
    Mar-14-11 Pittsburgh, PA Once the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided to severely restrict Avandia's use, prevailing wisdom seemed to be that because Actos side effects were not as severe, patients could easily switch to Actos. What may not have been realized, however, is that there is a risk of Actos side effects, reportedly including a risk of Actos...
  • Aftermath of a Horrific Amusement Park Accident
    Mar-14-11 Louisville, KY It is not only a parent's worst nightmare but anyone's worst nightmare??"in this case an Amusement Park Accident at a popular theme park that resulted in a 13-year-old girl having both of her feet severed above the ankle. Kaitlyn Lasitter survived, and doctors were able to re-attach her right foot. But they could not save her left, and K...
  • Mom: Did Terbutaline Cause Children's Health Problems?
    Mar-11-11 Los Angeles, CA Prior to the US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) recent announcement about terbutaline sulfate , some people may not have given Terbutaline side effects a second thought. Like Lisa H. (real name withheld), some women may have been given terbutaline during pregnancy to hold off preterm labor, but not realized that they or their babies...
  • MRI Kidney Isn't the Only MRI Health Risk
    Mar-10-11 Calgary, AB Risks involving MRI kidney and the impact MRI contrast agents have on patients suffering from kidney disease have been a concern over the last few years. Contrast agents containing gadolinium, which helps technicians produce a clearer picture, can cause harm if not expelled from the body efficiently following an MRI procedure. That's the ki...
  • Springfield Man Killed in Missouri Motorcycle Accident
    Mar-10-11 Springfield, MO : A Springfield man died recently after a Missouri motorcycle crash near Stotts City, according to the state highway patrol. The Springfield News-Leader reports that 39-year-old Richard Nerren was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident on Missouri 97 in Lawrence County. Nerren was reportedly traveling north on the highway on h...
  • FDA Announces New Warnings regarding Acetaminophen Toxicity
    Mar-5-11 Washington, DC In the wake of concerns about Tylenol overdose , linked to acetaminophen toxicity, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced new requirements for prescription acetaminophen products. Changes have already been made to over-the-counter acetaminophen products, warning of issues such as the link between Tylenol and liver damage...
  • Concern over Actos Has Existed for Some Time
    Mar-3-11 Washington, DC Recent concerns with regard to Actos side effects mirror previous warnings that are at least a decade old but have become lost in the Avandia issue and the swing by Avandia patients to Actos—a diabetes drug in the same class as Avandia but considered less dangerous. Sales of Actos have risen exponentially as concern over Avandia in...
  • Class-Action Lawsuit Filed over Fixodent Zinc Poisoning
    Mar-3-11 Sacramento, CA A class-action lawsuit including plaintiffs from across the US was recently filed claiming Fixodent zinc poisoning caused permanent damage to their nervous systems, reports. The lawsuit contends that Fixodent did not list zinc as one of its ingredients, causing users to be unaware of how much of the substance they were putt...
  • Tylenol Overdose Killed the Cat
    Feb-28-11 Colorado Springs, CO The recent discovery of acetaminophen toxicity with regard to a Tylenol overdose has taken a lot of consumers by surprise, given the sheer magnitude of the drug's popularity. With billions used each year for everything from muscle pain to headaches, little wonder that pain medication patients seeking quick relief from common, every...
  • Darvocet Side Effects Lawsuits Remain after Recall
    Feb-27-11 Cincinnati, OH While Xanodyne has recalled the painkillers, lawsuits over Darvocet side effects still remain, including one involving the death of 22-year-old Kira Nicole Gilbert, who took the drugs after suffering a torn knee ligament, reports. Gilbert's parents, Tammy and John Gilbert, have filed one of the lawsuits against the dr...
  • Actos under Investigation in Texas
    Feb-25-11 Austin, TX Although Actos side effects have not been deemed serious enough to put strict limits on how the medication is used, Actos still reportedly has some severe side effects. Those side effects reportedly include a risk of Actos heart failure. Now, the maker of Actos diabetes medication has been asked to send in documents related to an investigati...
  • Peer Reviewer Accused of Conflict in Fixodent Zinc Poisoning Study
    Feb-23-11 New York, NY From a public relations standpoint, it couldn't be any worse. Not only does Fixodent denture adhesive still contain zinc (which has been found to harm people when used in excessive amounts), it has been discovered that the release of important research that may have succeeded in spreading the word more quickly was unnecessarily delayed und...
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