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  • Chantix: "This Whole Thing Petrifies Me"
    Mar-1-08 Port Charlotte, FL Tasha M. says she is still a little scatterbrained after her experience with Chantix . She says that she knows what she wants to say but she has problems expressing her thoughts. However, she is clear that she wants to get Chantix off the market. "I tried everything to help me quit smoking," Tasha says. "I had been smoking for 20 y...
  • Chantix: "People Should be More Informed"
    Jan-6-08 Sacramento, CA: Sandra (not her real name) had been smoking for 10 years and had tried every method available to quit when she was told about Chantix. Hearing that people had some success on the drug, she decided to give it a shot. She took her first Chantix dose on October 21, 2007 and since then has experienced a wide range of side effects, including n...
  • Pfizer to Settle 80 Percent of Chantix Lawsuits
    Mar-5-13 Washington, DC More than 80 percent of the 2,700 federal and state Chantix lawsuits facing Pfizer look as if they could be settled. Pfizer, the maker of the controversial smoking cessation drug known generically as varenicline, faces a raft of lawsuits alleging Chantix causes suicide, suicide attempts and other psychiatric disturbances. In order t...
  • Chantix to see Competition from New Anti-Smoking Vaccine
    Dec-23-09 Washington, DC It's all over the television now—ads for Chantix that depict a smiling, real-life Chantix user going about her everyday business without a cigarette between her fingers, while the announcer rattles off a warning about potential Chantix side effects , including suicide and aggression. Chantix side effects, for some, can be nasty. ...
  • Chantix Caused Veteran's Depression
    May-1-08 Portsmouth, AR When John came back from Kuwait a few months ago, his VA doctor said that Chantix was the 'Number 1' drug to quit smoking. He neglected to tell John of the side effects, such as depression and suicidal thoughts. "My doctor told me that I could take it for one month at a time, up to three months," says John (not his real name pending a po...
  • Chantix Led Smoker to the Psych Ward
    Apr-11-08 Las Vegas, NV Donna's experience with Chantix was like a fast descent into hell and she's lucky to be alive to tell her story. It started out with bizarre dreams and ended with a suicide attempt that put her in a psychiatric ward. Today she is dealing with embarrassment and remorse. And she's back to smoking a pack a day. She took Chantix for three...
  • Top 10 List: Dangerous Drugs
    Jan-12-11 Washington, DC Much has been written about drug side effects, given the fact that ALL drugs have side effects. To that end, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) famously holds to its mantra that a drug is acceptable so long as benefits outweigh risk. Translation: all drugs carry risk, to some degree (the same holds true for medical device companies)...
  • "I Overdosed on Chantix"
    Nov-12-10 Seattle, WA After taking her first Chantix pill, Kimberly felt irritable—no surprise for someone trying to quit smoking. "I figure that withdrawal from nicotine was a small price to pay, and knowing that nicotine only stays in your system for 72 hours, I looked forward to having a better mood soon," Kimberly says. Instead, the Chantix side effect...
  • Chantix User Loses Cool, Unleashes Chantix Aggression on Own Home
    Jul-19-10 Forks Township, PA It's been a little more than a year since a Pennsylvania man was derailed by Chantix . Charles Brinker of Forks Township, Pennsylvania was attempting to quit smoking using Chantix when he lost complete control and attempted to bring down his own home using a Bobcat loader. His wife was inside the house at the time. A Bobcat loader...
  • Chantix User Afraid of What He Might Do
    Jun-15-10 Wilmington, NC Some proponents of Chantix believe that the drug's psychological side effects, which range from nightmares to rage to suicide, only affect users with a history of mental health problems. But Carlton, who was prescribed the smoking cessation drug about two years ago, disagrees. Two weeks into the treatment program he started experiencing erra...
  • Chantix Study Eases, but Does Not Eliminate, Concern
    Nov-20-09 Bristol, UK Chantix, once the darling of smoking-cessation aids, quickly moved under a black cloud of controversy as news emerged about Chantix suicide , Chantix aggression and other serious side effects. In July the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a black box warning for "serious neuropsychiatric symptoms," including changes in behavior, h...
  • Chantix: "I'd Rather Die from Lung Cancer than Kill Myself"
    Nov-8-08 Bakersfield, CA It's a choice that many people do not realize they are making: the risk of developing lung cancer versus the risk of committing suicide while taking Chantix. Admittedly, many people try to quit smoking so they can lower their risk of lung cancer—but they do not realize that, depending on their means of quitting smoking, they may be inc...
  • "What are Long-term Effects from Chantix?"
    Jul-13-08 St Charles, IL: Karen's husband was trying to quit smoking and his doctor prescribed Chantix . "Then the doctor asked if I was a smoker—it would be too hard for him to quit if I didn't quit at the same time," says Karen. "We asked him if there were any side effects and he assured us there were none—how wrong he was." "My husband Ken is on blood pre...
  • Which is the Killer: The Cigarette or the Drug?
    May-9-08 Chicago, IL It was just as recent as 2006 when drug makers were confident that drugs could do things such as cure depression, make people stop smoking, and even lose weight. But recently their hopes have been shattered because these drugs that are meant to block pleasure centers in the brain seem to have blocked pleasure in other ways as well. Margaret...
  • Chantix User: Chantix Led to Violent Outbursts
    Sep-13-10 Decatur AK Kerri C. says when she started taking Chantix two months ago, she had no idea about the smoking cessation drug's side effects, which reportedly include violent acts and suicidal thoughts and actions. Since she started taking Chantix, Kerri says she has had terrible nightmares, thoughts of suicide and aggressive behavior. "I had cosmetic s...
  • Pfizer Files Lawsuit over Chantix
    Sep-7-10 New York, NY Pfizer, the manufacturer of Chantix , has filed a lawsuit against generic drugmaker Mylan, accusing it of infringing on two patents for the anti-smoking drug. According to The Street , the lawsuit claims that Mylan recently filed an abbreviated drug application with the US Food and Drug Administration, seeking to sell a generic version...
  • Chantix Side Effects a Global Problem
    Oct-25-09 Seoul, South Korea The fact that Chantix suicide and Chantix side effects are an issue not just in the US but around the globe was brought home by the Korea Times recently, which took Pfizer to task over Champix (which is the name Pfizer has tagged to Chantix for foreign sales). Champix has been available in Korea since 2007 and is described as "hig...
  • Researchers examine Chantix side effects
    Oct-12-09 Silver Spring, MD Reports of Chantix side effects , such as suicide and aggression, spurred researchers in the UK to examine the anti-smoking aide to determine the extent of the product's side effects. The study was conducted at the University of Bristol with the goal of determining if there was a link between Chantix and suicide, WebMD reports. In the...
  • Chantix Guaranteed Panic Attacks
    Jul-29-09 Yuma, AZ: Carol's doctor advised her to quit smoking, especially because she was scheduled to have back surgery, and he prescribed Chantix , but after the surgery she started having panic attacks. And she never quit smoking. "I had never experienced a panic attack before," says Carol. "I had seen a doctor for depression but he said I was just a pess...
  • Woman Angry and Depressed While Taking Chantix
    Nov-2-08 Ontario, Canada Dawna had been smoking 15 years when she decided to take Chantix [known in Canada and other places as Champix] to quit. She knew someone who had successfully used the drug to quit smoking and was hoping for the same result. Unfortunately, Dawna experienced serious problems while she was taking Chantix and is now afraid to try quitting aga...
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