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  • Eli Lilly's Zyprexa Woes not Finished Yet
    Feb-2-07 Washington, DC: Eli Lilly, makers of Zyprexa , may finally be feeling some of the sting of recent lawsuits. Late last month Eli Lilly announced that its fourth-quarter earnings had dropped, likely due to recent settlements of lawsuits related to Zyprexa. According to a report in the New York Times, Eli Lilly made $132 million in its fourth quarter; d...
  • Flu Vaccines - Open Season
    Dec-15-06 For all the frantic, unvaccinated citizens fearing the "upcoming" peak of flu season—rest assured, coming down with a flu infection is the least of your worries. Despite the governments statements urging individuals to vaccinate their children, the threat of an infantile influenza fatality is just about as serious as the dreaded hangnail. Noneth...
  • Ethicon's Panacryl Lawsuits
    Jan-28-07 New York, NY: Just like history repeating itself, Ethicon now faces liability lawsuits similar to its Vicryl sutures lawsuits more than a decade ago. This time the product is Panacryl sutures. Ethicon was sued after a recall of 3.5 million packages of its Vicryl brand of sutures in 1994 -- the sutures were contaminated due to a faulty sterilizer. Now,...
  • Experts Predict Many Cases of Permax Heart Valve Damage
    Jan-21-07 Washington, DC Nearly three years ago, HealthDay News reported that a study had confirmed previous findings that the drug, Permax , used to treat Parkinson's disease, could damage heart valves and surgery would be needed to correct the problem. The April 28, 2004, report quoted the lead researcher, Dr Richard Dewey Jr, an associate professor from the U...
  • PPH and Fen-Phen: Some Lawsuits Settled
    Jan-20-07 Savannah, GA Primary Pulmonary Hypertension (PPH) is a serious lung disorder that can lead to heart failure and potentially death. There is no specific known cause of PPH; all that is known is that it causes increased pressure in the pulmonary artery and a decrease in the amount of blood entering the lungs. Although some lawsuits regarding fen-phen an...
  • Glaxo Writing Checks Left and Right to Settle Paxil Legal Battles
    Dec-3-06 Madison County, IL: GlaxoSmithKline is no doubt looking forward to the New Year because the end of this one is becoming costlier by the month. On November 1, 2006, the Associated Press reported that Glaxo had agreed to pay $63.8 million to settle a class action lawsuit with allegations that Glaxo promoted Paxil for use with children and adolescents wh...
  • The Plavix Rip-Off
    Jan-14-07 Washington, DC: Its real easy for drug eluting stent makers to say patients already implanted with these devices must take a combination of the blood-thinning drug, Plavix , and aspirin for the rest of their lives. But what happens to the patients who cannot afford Plavix? It appears now that many patients unlucky enough to be have received these new d...
  • Guidant faces Pacemaker Lawsuits: Thousands of Pacemakers could be Defective
    Nov-23-06 Indianapolis, IN: According to third quarter reports filed November 9, 2006 by Boston Scientific the company faces around 840 lawsuits related to Guidant pacemakers and defibrillators. Of those cases, 74 are class-action and around 760 are individual suits. The number of suits is up significantly from the 550 lawsuits reported after the company's sec...
  • Kugel Mesh Patches Considered a Serious Recall
    Nov-19-06 Murray Hill, NJ: The recall of Kugel Mesh patches that was announced by the FDA earlier this year was serious enough to merit a Class 1 recall. A Class 1 recall means that the recalled device could potentially cause serious injuries, pain, and possibly even death. The recall was announced after Davol Inc, a subsidiary of CR Bard, learned of 31 rin...
  • Lexapro Legal Problems Mount Against Forest Laboratories
    Nov-15-06 Fair Haven, NJ: According to Forest Laboratories' Annual Report, for the year ending March 31, 2006, Celexa and Lexapro , accounted for 68% of the company's sales. The drugs belong to the class of antidepressants known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Sales of Lexapro, the filing notes, increased 16% in the 4th quarter to $464,100...
  • Doctor's Perks and Free Drug Samples Cost Patients Plenty
    Dec-20-06 Washington, DC: In the debate over whether Big Pharma's perks lead doctors to prescribe high priced brand-name drugs over equally effective generics, the question to ask is whether an industry would direct 90% of a $20 billion marketing budget at doctors if it did not work. As lawmakers enact measures to limit the drug company's influence over the medic...
  • Kugel Mesh Patch: Recalled due to Serious Injuries
    Nov-3-06 Murray Hill, NJ The US Food and Drug Administration in cooperation with Davol, Inc. have recalled Bard Composix Kugel Mesh Patches following reports of serious injuries related to the patches. The Kugel Mesh Patch is used to repair ventral hernias that are caused by thinning or stretching of scar tissue that forms after surgery. The patch is inserted th...
  • Panacryl Sutures: Recent lawsuits just Tip of the Iceberg
    Dec-19-06 Princeton, NJ In September 2002, a lawyer had a visit from a woman who told him a medical story that he initially thought was a medical malpractice situation. She had undergone several surgeries including colon-rectal surgery and a colostomy reversal and every time she was sewn up and sent home, her condition deteriorated. He got her medical records and...
  • Injuries and Death Reported in Patients Implanted with Bard Kugel Mesh Patch
    Oct-29-06 Murray Hill, NJ: On January 13, 2006, CR Bard, Inc announced a Class I recall of the Bard Composix Kugel Mesh X-Large Patch after receiving 24 reports that the device's plastic coil ring may not withstand the increased stress associated with certain surgical placement techniques. Davol, Inc, a subsidiary of CR Bard, notified US customers of the recall...
  • Mental Illness Epidemic Hits US
    Dec-7-06 Washington, DC: In the run-up to the December 13, 2006, meeting of the FDA's Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee, to review the suicidality data from adult SSRI studies, a host of newly identified disorders have been popping up in the media, all treatable with SSRIs. The committee is expected to vote on whether the association between the sel...
  • Zoloft likely Caused Baby's Death
    Nov-30-06 Atlanta, GA "In 2003 I was pregnant with Sarah and was concerned about taking Zoloft," says Mindy Schildroth, "but my doctor said that recent studies indicated I was better off taking the drug than going through withdrawal. Three years later, I am still grieving her death." Sarah Elizabeth Schildroth 9/24/03 - 11/28/03 Mindy's daughter passed away w...
  • FDA Still Dodging Bullets Over Ketek
    Sep-27-06 Washington, DC: In recent months Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) has been like a dog with a bone when it came to investigating why FDA officials approved the antibiotic Ketek , despite its knowledge that the main pre-approval study on the drug was riddled with fraud. Ketek first sought approval in 2000, but approval was denied due to indications of s...
  • Unscientific Depression Screenings and Front Groups Boost SSRI Sales
    Nov-10-06 USA: Prior to the arrival of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants (SSRIs) on the market, depression was estimated to affect only 100 people per million. And those 100 people per million sought help from a medical professional trained in psychiatry and the treatment of depression. Since the introduction of SSRIs, rates for dep...
  • Latest Pfizer Celebrex Court Ruling 50-50
    Sep-11-06 San Francisco, CA According to Pfizer, Celebrex is still selling like hot cakes with worldwide sales totalling $471 million ($355 million in the US) in the second quarter of 2006, representing growth of 17% over the same period last year. "We continue to expect full-year Celebrex revenues of at least $2 billion, an ambitious target given the ongoing...
  • SUV Rollovers: Fatal More Often Than Not
    Sep-9-06 Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) are a popular consumer vehicle. However, many people don't know that SUVs are prone to deadly rollover accidents. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHF), rollover accidents are not common. In fact, they only make up three percent of vehicles in police-reported crashes. However, because they are s...
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