Adderall is a category 2 drug, which puts it in the same category as cocaine, opium and morphine. In 1996, it was approved for ADHD, and as Hollis points out, it has a high potential for abuse.
Hollis has a litany of facts and statistics arguing the case against Adderall, which is basically a strong stimulant drug prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
"In 2004 the manufacturer [Shire Pharmaceuticals] reported 20 deaths by heart attack and 12 strokes, from children to adults," says Hollis, "and those deaths and strokes occurred mainly in those individuals using Adderall in a prescribed manner. Hollis says those statistics were voluntarily provided by Shire to the FDA and reported on MedWatch back in 2004. That is when Health Canada removed the drug from the market but the FDA didn't do anything until 2006.
Why hasn't the FDA posted any data since 2006? "It has been proven that only 1 percent of adverse occurrences related to any drug have been reported to the FDA, and most of these adverse reports come from the manufacturer of the drug, so what you have is a situation where the wolf is guarding the henhouse; and the warning for the drug only attributes health problems if it is misused," explains Hollis. "Extrapolate that data and you have a big problem with a drug like Adderall."
(Since 2006, LawyersandSettlements has been reporting on the dangers of Adderall, specifically how it has become a street drug. Given that fact, and combined with millions of dollars in prescriptions for ADHD in children, Adderall has been referred to as a "cash cow" for the manufacturer.)
To make Adderall even more insidious, Hollis refers to neurologist Dr. Baugham, who has stated that the exponential increase in ADHD over the past decade is nothing but pure fraud—and it is mostly happening in the US. Of course this is great news for the drugmakers, but not so for children, some of whom have had strokes—yes, children can have strokes and heart attacks.
How did Adderall become so mainstream? "According to the Association of Psychiatrists, just about half the population in the US has ADHD symptoms," says Hollis. "These symptoms were written in such a manner that half the people in the US would have ADHD."
According to Dr. Baugham, in 1987 there were 14 symptoms attributed to ADHD, and if a child had eight or more of those symptoms, they were diagnosed with ADHD:
• often fidgets or squirms
• trouble staying in one's seat
• can't wait one's turn
• blurts out answers
• trouble following instructions
• can't sustain attention
• shifts from one activity to another
• doesn't play quietly
• talks excessively
• interrupts
• can't listen
• loses things
• does dangerous things, thrill seeking and so on.
"This drug is over-prescribed by doctors for a condition that they don't fully understand," says Hollis. "For example, if someone is bipolar and they take Adderall in the manic stage of the condition, they could go into psychosis and not know what they are doing—and that could be very dangerous. As well, Adderall is causing strokes in the customary manner as prescribed, in other words, in people not abusing the drug.
The law firm Hollis, Wright, and Couch, P.C., takes all injury cases on a contingency fee basis, so you are never charged a legal fee unless you are compensated for your injuries.
ryan kilian
Tammy Lowery
Those who defend their usage of this drug will have a very rude awakening in a couple of years. They will wish they have never touched this drug. If they think adderall worked wonders, wait until this drug makes the wonder of making their lives unbearable. Its a sight to behold to see someone full of life and then slowly but surely watch him deteriorate to the point they cant even get out of their beds.
This drug literally raped my soul. I was just a young kid who believed what the doctor told me. I will never fully recover.
Amy Alkon
The answer is for physicians to better vet their patients for heart problems -- not to take it away from people like me whose life it has changed immeasurably for the better.