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  • GlaxoSmithKline Pediatric Paxil Class Action Settlement
    Madison County, IL: (Apr-26-07) Madison County Associate Judge Ralph Mendelsohn approved and amended the national pediatric Paxil class settlement which will provide more payment to people who paid for Paxil to use by a minor. Since GlaxoSmithKline's (GSK's) original $63.8 million settlement with Korein Tillery and Swedlow and Associates on October 6,...
  • Cases of Fen-Phen and SSRI-Related Lung Disorder Rise
    Apr-16-07 Washington, DC: In the fall of 1997, American Home Products Corporation, which became Wyeth in 2002, withdrew the drugs Pondimin (fenfluramine), and Redux (dexfenfluramine), which were prescribed together with phentermine for weight loss, in a combination called "fen-phen," for short. Fen-phen causes the life-threatening lung disorder known as primary p...
  • An interview with Paxil Lawyer Karen Barth Menzies
    Apr-15-07 Los Angeles, CA: Karen Barth Menzies is a partner of the Los Angeles based law firm of Baum, Hedlund, Aristei, Goldman & Menzies and heads the firm's Pharmaceutical Antidepressant Litigation Department. An activist and consumer advocate, she has been involved with SSRI-induced suicide/violence litigation involving Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft for 15 years and...
  • April 2007 Big Pharma Litigation Update - Drugs (Part II)
    Apr-12-07 Washington, DC: The anti-epileptic drug, Depakote (valproate), marketed by Abbott Laboratories, is one of the most heavily prescribed medications for off-label use. Experts say the evidence of harm caused by Depakote is just beginning to emerge. According to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania psychiatrist, Dr Stefan Kruszewski, a recognized expert on psychotropic...
  • Paxil Birth Defects - Mothers Must Consider the Risks
    Apr-4-07 Greenville, SC Women who are taking Paxil and are considering becoming pregnant should very seriously consider the risks of birth defects before deciding whether or not to continue taking the drug. A study published last year showed that babies whose mothers took Paxil or other selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) at 20 weeks or later duri...
  • Doctors Ignore Black Box Warnings On SSRIs
    Apr-2-07 Washington, DC: The FDA has issued numerous public health advisories and black box warnings over the past several years about the increased risk of suicidality associated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants, but many doctors ignore them. In October 2004, the FDA added a black box warning about an increased risk of suicidality i...
  • The Anguish Caused by Paxil
    Mar-17-07 Rutherfordton, NC "To the makers of Paxil I want to ask this: how you can live with yourselves, when you know that Paxil can cause heart and lung defects and PPHN in babies?" says Wendy Tinsley. "For five months we didn't know if our son was going to survive." "When I was 20 weeks pregnant my doctor said it was safe to stay on Paxil," says Tinsley. "...
  • Paxil Delivered Death Certificate
    Mar-15-07 Whitby, ON Due to a bad car accident in 1998 that led to depression and anxiety, Lisa Goring was prescribed Paxil. She became pregnant in 2001 and her doctor said it was safe to stay on this SSRI. Most doctors today know otherwise. "It wasn't until I went for an ultrasound, when I was five months pregnant, that I knew everything had gone wrong," says...
  • Behind the Scenes Snake Oil Salesmen
    Mar-7-07 Washington, DC: While the pharmaceutical industry's corrupt practice of peddling ineffective drugs and concealing dangerous side effects has come under scrutiny in recent years, critics say the contributions of the research scientists, academics, medical journals, and the FDA deserve far more credit for their part in the industry's overall marketing scheme...
  • Best Kept Secret - SSRIs Do Not Work
    Mar-3-07 Washington, DC: The medicalization of distress has led to a dramatic rise in the use of antidepressants, however it is questionable whether patients are being told that in controlled clinical trials the drugs barely outperformed a placebo, says Jonathan Leo, Associate Professor of Neuroanatomy, Lincoln Memorial University, DeBusk College of Osteopathic Med...
  • Paxil's Deadly Side Effect
    Mar-1-07 Austin, TX Susie Collins and her husband were thrilled when they found out she was pregnant. But their happiness was shortlived: after an ultrasound, Susie regretted having taken Paxil during her pregnancy. "We had tried for over two years to have a baby and every time I got my period I would cry," says Collins (not her real name pending a lawsuit). "...
  • Investigations Target SSRI Prescribing Doctors
    Feb-23-07 Washington, DC: In recent years, Federal and state investigators have been going after the makers of the antidepressants known as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), for promoting the drugs for off-label use under the theory that they are causing the submission of false claims to Medicare, Medicaid, and other public health care programs...
  • Paxil Makers Face Lawsuits Related to PPHN and Other Birth Defects
    Feb-19-07 Breckenridge, CO: The number of lawsuits against Paxil alleging that use of the drug caused PPHN and other birth defects in newborn babies continues to grow. A Colorado family has also filed suit against the makers of Paxil, after their son was born with Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN). The infant was placed on a ventilator imm...
  • Trail of Paxil Suicides Leads To GlaxoSmithKline
    Feb-14-07 Washington, DC: On January 29, 2007, BBC-One broadcast, "Secrets of the Drug Trials," a Panorama program based on an investigation by reporter, Shelley Jofre, which revealed how GlaxoSmithKline misled doctors into prescribing Paxil off-label to children, even after its own clinical trials found that kids could become suicidal when taking the drug. The...
  • SSRI Toss Up: Withdrawals or Birth Defects?
    Feb-8-07 Bedford, TX Matilda Vasquez stayed on Paxil until she found out that she was pregnant with her first child, back in 2002. "As soon as I knew, I stopped taking my meds completely on my own accord," said Matilda. "I didn't want to take any chances, especially because it was my first pregnancy." But at the end of her first trimester, her doctor told Mati...
  • Paxil and PPHN: The risk of Birth Defects versus the risk of Depression
    Feb-6-07 Houston, TX More organizations are recommending that women who are pregnant avoid taking Paxil due to the risk of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN). However, as they make their recommendations some doctors say that the risk of relapsing into depression is also a serious cause for concern, leaving expectant mothers to decide whether...
  • GlaxoSmithKline Defamed With Truth About Paxil
    Jan-31-07 London, UK: GlaxoSmithKline has labeled the allegations made in a Panorama television program that said the company had suppressed the results of clinical trials that showed Paxil was ineffective and caused children to become suicidal "defamatory." According to the January 30, 2007, Guardian, an official at the company said Glaxo had looked into takin...
  • SSRIs Cause Agony and Guilt
    Jan-25-07 Centerville, OH Some of us may remember back in the 1960s when a prescription sedative was marketed throughout 47 countries in the world, including Canada, that resulted in almost 10,000 babies born with 'phocomelia' - a birth defect whereby the upper portion of a limb is absent or poorly developed, so that the hand or foot attaches to the body by a short,...
  • Business Booming for SSRI Makers
    Jan-8-07 Washington, DC: The market for antidepressants is the largest segment of the Central Nervous System drug sector with global sales of $16.2 billion in 2005. Depression costs the US economy an estimated $44 billion a year and the World Health Organization predicts depression will be the leading cause of disability by 2020, according to a report by Research a...
  • Paxil Delivers Guilt along with Birth Defects
    Jan-4-07 Baltimore, OH "You have no idea, the incredible guilt I feel about taking Paxil during my pregnancy," says Gina Fromm, "but the hardest thing is that, when Mark is old enough to understand, will he blame me?" As soon as Gina found out that she was pregnant, she and her husband, Jon, asked both their regular doctor and obstetrician if it was okay to co...
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