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  • Fen Phen: Heart Problems Surface
    Mar-19-07 Bakersfield, CA Alicia A. took fen phen back in the 90s when "thin was in." She joined a class action lawsuit against the drug company and received a settlement. "Back then, I didn't have a heart problem," says Alicia. Now she is hopeful that she can join another lawsuit that will compensate her for more than the cost of fen phen. "I started taking f...
  • Whirlpool Side-by-Side Refrigerators
    Mar-7-07 Little Rock, AR A class action lawsuit has been filed against Whirlpool Corporation: Paula Rush et al, filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Arkansas, Case No. 07-2066 claiming that Whirlpool knew, or should have known, that the side-by-side refrigerators were defective in design, were not fit for their ordinary or intended...
  • Best Kept Secret - SSRIs Do Not Work
    Mar-3-07 Washington, DC: The medicalization of distress has led to a dramatic rise in the use of antidepressants, however it is questionable whether patients are being told that in controlled clinical trials the drugs barely outperformed a placebo, says Jonathan Leo, Associate Professor of Neuroanatomy, Lincoln Memorial University, DeBusk College of Osteopathic Med...
  • Suicide Risk of Neurontin Kept Hidden for Years
    Feb-27-07 Washington, DC: Neurontin , the all-time poster child for an illegally promoted off-label drug, was marketed by Warner-Lambert and its Parke-Davis division until Pfizer acquired the company in 2000. The term "off-label" means prescribing a drug for indications not listed on the label, upping the recommended dose, prescribing a drug in combination with...
  • Maytag Recall Leaves Consumers Frustrated
    Feb-26-07 Denver, CO: A recent Maytag dishwasher recall left customers upset and frustrated after it became apparent that Maytag was not properly equipped to handle the call volume generated by the recall. The recall was announced by Maytag on February 1 and involved 2.3 million dishwashers. The appliances were recalled because of a potential fire hazard disco...
  • US Government to Face Lawsuits over New Orleans Levee
    Feb-23-07 New Orleans, LA: The US government may face many lawsuits now that a US District Court Judge has ruled that the Army Corps of Engineers can be sued for negligence regarding flood damage caused by failure of the levees in New Orleans. One lawsuit involves the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO) which connects the Gulf of Mexico with the Mississippi Ri...
  • Bayer Defending Trasylol Despite Study Findings
    Feb-20-07 Los Angeles, CA As more reports about the dangers of Trasylol are made public, Bayer A.G. defending itself and its drug more often. In the past year, two studies have shown that use of Trasylol can increase the risk of death in heart surgery patients. Furthermore, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that Bayer withheld information abo...
  • More Zyprexa Postcards From the Edge
    Feb-18-07 Washington, DC: On February 13, 2007, Judge Jack Weinstein issued a permanent injunction, prohibiting attorney, Jim Gottstein, and Dr David Egilman, an expert witness in litigation involving Zyprexa , from further disseminating certain Eli Lilly documents that were sealed with a court order until Mr Gottstein released them to the media in December 2006...
  • High Death Rate Reported With Bayer's Trasylol
    Feb-17-07 Washington, DC: For over a year, Bayer has been under fire over the drug Trasylol , and now Dr Dennis Mangano, the lead author of new study in the February 7, 2007, Journal of the American Medical Association, says the drug may be responsible for 10,000 deaths over five years. Trasylol (aprotinin) was FDA approved for sale in the US in 1993, as an anti...
  • Whirlpool and Maytag Recall
    Feb-15-07 Benton Harbor, MI: Whirlpool is in the middle of another appliance recall, this one involving 2.3 million Maytag and Jenn-Air dishwashers. The recall was announced February 1, after the company learned of 135 reports of dishwasher fires which resulted in some property damage. There were also four reports of personal injury including smoke inhalation...
  • UnumProvident Sued for Accessing Personal Files
    Jan-27-07 San Francisco, CA: Most people don't know this, but health insurance companies like UnumProvident can deny claims based on confidential information, even if the claimant has not given permission for that information to be released. This is exactly what happened to one California woman who is now suing both UnumProvident for unfairly denying her claim...
  • Propane Leak: Leave the Building!
    Jan-16-07 Cincinnati, OH Further proof came last month that if you smell a propane leak in your home, you should leave immediately rather than trying to find the leak and fix it yourself. According to the Cincinnati Enquirer, a man was burned when a propane explosion blew up his home in late December. The man smelled propane prior to the explosion and was do...
  • Permax Linked to Heart Valve Leakage
    Jan-15-07 Biloxi, MS Two studies published in the January 4 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine have linked Permax , a drug used to treat Parkinson's disease, with heart valve problems that can result in death. The problems, known as cardiac valve regurgitation, occur when the heart valves do not seal properly in the reverse-flow direction. This is c...
  • Ketek can Kill
    Jan-6-07 Beloit, WI The last thing Cheryl Trotter could possibly imagine after taking one Ketek pill would be complete kidney failure . "One day I was fine, the next day on my deathbed. I went from a slight cough and next thing I know, I'm in the hospital with renal failure - I couldn't believe it," she says. Every spring, Cheryl gets asthma and she has to...
  • What did Bayer know about Trasylol?
    Dec-23-06 Washington, DC: In January, 2006, the FDA issued a Public Health Advisory for Trasylol , based on the serious health risks found in two studies, "A Propensity Score Case-Control Comparison of Aprotinin and Tranexamic Acid in High Transfusion Risk Cardiac Surgery," by Karkouti et al, in the Journal of Transfusion, and "The Risk Associated with Aprotinin in...
  • Paxil was thought to be Safe
    Dec-18-06 Kentucky " The doctors told us it was a miracle that our son is alive," said Stephen Buchanan. Kaden was born in May 2004 but Stephen only recently found out about the link between his son's heart defects and Paxil. "My wife took Paxil for the first few months of her pregnancy - the doctor told her it was safe," Stephen said. "Up until our son Kaden w...
  • Ketek Liver Warnings Too Late
    Dec-16-06 Chattanooga, TN: Trisha will think twice before taking another antibiotic. Her doctor prescribed Ketek for a sinus infection and Trisha believes she is "lucky to be alive," after she only took two pills. In March 2006, Trisha (not her real name pending a lawsuit) visited a local walk-in clinic complaining of flu-like symptoms; she was concerned because,...
  • FDA requesting advice about Ketek
    Dec-12-06 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is seeking outside advice in determining whether or not the antibiotic Ketek should stay on the market, according to an article in the New York Times. The advice will come from experts on anti-infective drugs who will sit at a public meeting to discuss Ketek. The meetings are scheduled to take place December 14 and...
  • Trasylol: A Longer Road to Recovery
    Dec-10-06 Cranbrook, BC Colleen Dureski was given one dose of Trasylol during cardiac surgery. Only days earlier, an article was published in a national newspaper linking the drug to kidney failure . Unfortunately, not even the medical team at the hospital had read the article. "On January 31, 2006, I was given aprotinin (marketed as Trasylol) to stop excess b...
  • Ketek Fraud Investigation Derails Confirmation of New FDA Commissioner
    Dec-6-06 Washington, DC: When the Democrats won control of Congress, Senator Charles Grassley may have lost the chairmanship of the Senate Finance Committee, but the current acting FDA commissioner had better not get too settled in because the Senator is apparently not ready to throw in the towel in the on-going battle with him. In a recent press release accompa...
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