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  • Yale Study Finds Possible Alternative to Proton Pump Inhibitors
    Sep-6-10 New Haven, CT A new study out of Yale shows that zinc salt may offer fast relief from heartburn without the risks associated with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). The researchers from the Yale School of Medicine were looking into how ion transporters interact during acid secretion and discovered that zinc can stop such secretion. "Our study showed th...
  • Veteran Files Lawsuit against Pennsylvania VA Hospital
    Sep-4-10 Philadelphia, PA Soldiers returning from duty often have to turn to VA hospitals for help with serious health problems. Yet some receive a lower standard of care and are left filing lawsuits alleging veteran medical malpractice . One lawsuit reportedly filed against the Philadelphia VA Medical Center, Dr. Gary Kao, and the University of Pennsylvania...
  • Asbestos Victim Awarded Millions in Mesothelioma Decision
    Aug-24-10 Berkeley Heights, NJ A woman who was diagnosed with asbestos mesothelioma after years of washing her husband's asbestos-laden work clothes will likely receive $7 million in asbestos compensation. Her husband is owed $500,000 with interest still accruing. The original jury verdict for the plaintiff was upheld on August 20 after the appellate court c...
  • American Airlines Could Face $25 Million in Fines
    Aug-24-10 Washington, DC According to a 8/19/10 report in the Wall Street Journal , the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) could hit American Airlines with fines of as much as $25 million for issues with the maintenance of its MD-80 jets that put the planes at risk of crashing . The FAA has not yet sent an official letter announcing the fine, but it is repo...
  • Nurse Broke Both Femurs, Doctor Blames Fosamax
    Aug-22-10 Mission, BC Suzanne, a former nurse, was furious when she discovered that Fosamax caused breaks in both her femurs after she had been taking the bisphosphonate for nine years. The first thing Suzanne's rheumatology specialist asked her was if she was still taking Fosamax. "I had been put back on Fosamax between my first and second break," says Suz...
  • Tragic Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Ends in $2 Million Plaintiff Award
    Aug-11-10 Marysville, OH A medical malpractice lawsuit with horrific emotional consequences has been settled with a $2 million judgment against a doctor who performed tonsillectomies on twin boys at Memorial Hospital of Union County in Ohio, in 2006. Following a two-week trial that amounted to a painful ordeal for the family, the jury on August 6th returned a ve...
  • MRI Health Risks: Beware the Magnetized Projectile
    Aug-9-10 Rochester, NY While concerns over MRI kidney through the use of MRI contrast side effects are well-known, there is also a sense amongst many in the general population that MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) carries the same risks for radiation as CT scans and x-ray. This is not the case. MRI is considered safe with few MRI health risks , save for those wi...
  • MRI Health Risks to Kidney Patients Growing with Scan Frequency
    Aug-2-10 Washington, DC Recent revelations from researchers studying the effects of various MRI health risks, including MRI contrast side effects , further deepen concern over the increasing frequency of MRI procedures by way of the increased availability of MRI machines. With a desire to ensure a proper diagnosis, doctors are ordering MRI scans in rising number...
  • Title lX Doesn't Protect Against Bullying
    Aug-1-10 Detroit, MI It is hard to say what may happen in the future when it comes to litigating against bullying. "The law the way it is written doesn't provide a solution for every kind of harassment ," says attorney Richard Winslow. "The way the law is written it is quite narrow, but I think the issues are broader than Title lX, which is limited to sexual har...
  • Yasmin User Facing Gallbladder Surgery
    Jul-30-10 Barry, ON Carolyn, 21, only took Yasmin for three months because she had a lot of bleeding followed by severe pain in her abdomen. "The pain was so bad I thought I was having a miscarriage," says Carolyn. "My doctor ordered an ultrasound and it showed that I had multiple gallstones. That happened two years ago, when nobody connected Yasmin with gallbla...
  • BP Claimants Reportedly Waiting for Compensation
    Jul-13-10 Mobile, AL It's been a few weeks since the claims process was announced in the wake of the BP oil spill . In that time, millions of dollars have been spent compensating victims of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. But according to reports, some claimants have been told they have to wait for compensation. According to an article in the Press-Register on 7...
  • How Does the Statute of Limitations Affect Reglan Patients?
    Jul-12-10 Philadelphia, PA Patients who believe they suffered Reglan side effects and are considering legal action should be aware of the statute of limitations. Time is running for potential plaintiffs to file a lawsuit over Reglan and tardive dyskinesia. One of the worst things a potential plaintiff can hear is that she is no longer eligible to file a lawsu...
  • New Effexor Generic Approved, Risks Are Similar
    Jul-10-10 Washington, DC Concerns over potential Effexor side effects—including heart damage in newborns and various other birth defects that occur when expectant mothers take Effexor antidepressants—heightened late last month with the approval of an Effexor generic. A release posted on the official website of the US Food and Drug Administration...
  • Florida Attorney's Solutions to the Consumer Debt Trap
    Jul-10-10 Miami, FL Attorney Stephen Nagin is a big picture guy. A well-known Florida attorney and an expert in debt settlement for consumers, Nagin sees even more cash flow trouble for people in the southern states that are directly or indirectly affected by the BP catastrophe . The damage to the tourism industry means more job losses, foreclosures and b...
  • Doctor Says Fosamax Caused Femur Break
    Jul-9-10 St. Louis, MO David was only 40 when he was prescribed Fosamax for osteoporosis ten years ago. In 2008 David broke his femur for no apparent reason, but his internal medicine doctor knew that Fosamax was to blame. "Even though I am very upset with the Fosamax manufacturer, I am happy that my doctor had the opportunity to present my case at a bone confe...
  • Canada Set to Vote on Asbestos Mining
    Jul-6-10 Ottawa, ON "Quebec breathing new life into one of Canada's last remaining asbestos mines", states the headline of a 6/14/10 article in the Winnipeg Free Press, in what seems to be a cruel play on words. While a few hundred jobs are at stake for miners in the town called Asbestos (the provincial government is close to backing a loan of $58 million to reopen...
  • Lawyer Wins Landmark Drywall Case in Florida
    Jun-30-10 Miami, FL "This is an important case for consumers," says attorney Ervin Gonzalez. "And this is what I do: sue bad companies who do bad things." Gonzalez has recently landed a $2.4 million verdict for a Florida family whose dream home was ruined by toxic Chinese drywall . The trial, says Gonzalez, sent a powerful message. It's the first jury trial in th...
  • Massive Accounting Malpractice Award Tossed on Appeal, New Trial Ordered
    Jun-28-10 Miami, FL A massive accounting malpractice case that has been in the pipeline for years is not over yet, after a Florida appeals court tossed out a $521 million jury verdict from 2007 and awarded a new trial. According to the Associated Press (AP) by way of the Miami Herald on 6/24/10, the Third District Court of Appeal ruled that the long-running lawsuit...
  • BP Taking Blame for Now, but Legal Battles Will Be Complex
    Jun-14-10 Boston, MA There is little doubt that pending legal battles over the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will involve more than just British Petroleum, despite the fact that the company has taken full public responsibility for the disaster. But it's hardly cut-and-dried, and contractual clauses will most assuredly come into play in the courts of law. ...
  • US Justice Department Intervenes in Qui Tam Whistleblower Lawsuit
    Jun-1-10 Washington, DC Under the auspices of the federal Whistleblower Act and provisions of the False Claims Act, a qui tam whistleblower who launches litigation on behalf of the government is entitled to a percentage of any damage award collected on behalf of the government. Such a lawsuit has been filed against Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR), Panalpina and...
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