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  • Depakote One of Few Epilepsy Drugs Not Linked to Increase Fracture Risk
    Jan-25-11 Calgary, Canada While a new study shows that many epilepsy drugs increase the risk of bone fractures in older adults, Depakote was the lone exception to be tested, HealthDay News reports. According to the news provider, Canadian researchers examined the medical records of 15,792 people age 50 and older who experienced non-traumatic fractures betwe...
  • Rebecca Riley's Estate Awarded $2.5 Million
    Boston, MA: A $2.5 million settlement has been reached between the estate of Rebecca Riley, and Tufts Medical Center psychiatrist Dr. Kayok Kifuji. Rebecca Riley died at the age of 4 from an overdose of clonidine prescribed by Dr. Kifuji. Her parents, Michael and Carolyn Riley were convicted of first-degree murder and second-degree murder respectively...
  • "If Only I'd Known about Depakote Birth Defects"
    Jan-18-11 Tucson, AZ "If I had known that Depakote causes birth defects, I would never have gotten pregnant," says Kathy. She knows it is too late to file a Depakote lawsuit, but welcomes this opportunity to "get the word out" regarding Depakote side effects. Kathy, who has epilepsy, had a healthy son and soon after he was born, she started taking Depakote. A...
  • Depakote Attorney "Time Is of the Essence"
    Jan-16-11 Orlando, FL Patients who have been harmed by Depakote or who have children who suffered Depakote side effects should not wait to file a lawsuit. That is the advice of J. Benton Stewart II, attorney at Stewart Law, P.L.L.C. Although some Depakote side effects can take years to develop, parents who think their children were harmed by Depakote should spea...
  • Journalist Feels Daughter's Eating Disorder Caused by Effexor Side Effects
    Jan-9-11 Dallas, TX Terri Rimmer is a journalist and mother who has been trying to figure out for years what lay at the root of her daughter's eating disorder. She now believes that taking Effexor while she was pregnant with her daughter, now 10, is the culprit. Effexor side effects have been hotly debated with regard to pregnancy and the need for women to rema...
  • Pregnant Women Urged Not to Take Depakote
    Jan-7-11 Orlando, FL As a medicine used to treat serious problems such as epilepsy, Depakote can be invaluable for some patients. But despite the relief Depakote gives patients, Depakote side effects, including a reported increased risk of Depakote birth defects, can be serious. Depakote (known generically as valproic acid) is classified by the US Food and D...
  • Is New Depakote Research a Disconnect from Previous Studies?
    Dec-27-10 Atlanta, GA A recent study that suggests infants whose breast-feeding mothers are taking Depakote are not adversely affected by trace levels of valproate in breast milk is pale assurance when compared to the findings of a 2009 study on valproate and IQ loss. The resulting disconnect leaves some women scratching their heads. According to the November...
  • Study Says Women Taking Depakote Can Safely Breast-Feed
    Dec-15-10 Atlanta, GA A new study indicates that women taking epilepsy drugs can safely breast-feed, while the risk of Depakote birth defects still exists for pregnant women taking the drug, Bloomberg Businessweek reports. According to the study, children whose mothers took Depakote or other epilepsy drugs while breast-feeding did not appear to suffer any n...
  • Research Links Depakote to Birth Defects
    Dec-9-10 Boston, MA For women who suffer from seizures, the question of whether or not to take Depakote and risk Depakote birth defects might be more straightforward than with other medications. Studies have suggested a risk of serious Depakote side effects in babies exposed to Depakote prior to birth, leading researchers and the US Food and Drug Administration...
  • Academic Problems Linked to Depakote and Other Epilepsy Medications
    Nov-27-10 Portland, OR A new study has found another possible side effect of epilepsy drug Depakote . The study suggests that teens born to women who took two or more epilepsy drugs while pregnant do worse in school than teens not exposed to the medications prior to birth. This could add one more item to the list of Depakote side effects, which reportedly include...
  • Exposure to Depakote During Pregnancy Has Negative Impact on Academics
    Nov-16-10 Stockholm, Sweden A Swedish study published recently in Epilepsia has found that taking multiple anti-epilepsy drugs like Depakote during pregnancy can have a negative impact on the academic abilities of the children, Businessweek reports. The study examined women with epilepsy who gave birth between 1973 and 1986, looking at both the anti-epile...
  • The Various Faces of Depakote
    Nov-5-10 Washington, D.C. The potential for Depakote birth defects will most assuredly be on the agenda in December when the Health and Human Services Department with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) holds a meeting of the Pediatric Advisory Committee. The Washington Daybook identifies the meeting as taking place December 7th and notes that participa...
  • Depakote Side Effects Include Weight Gain
    Oct-26-10 New Orleans, LA There are a number of Depakote side effects but one that may fly under the radar on occasion is that the mood stablizer can cause weight gain. A number of different medications can cause weight gain or at least make it more difficult to lose weight, according to the Times-Picayune . Pharmacist Sal Scaccia, who owns the Total Life...
  • Statute of Limitations Still Running on Depakote Claims
    Oct-17-10 Miami, FL Patients who took Depakote might think that the statute of limitations has run out, ending their ability to file a lawsuit. That's because they may have taken Depakote a long time ago. In many cases, however, the statute of limitations starts running from when the injury occurred, not from when the medication was taken, meaning a Depakote law...
  • Depakote Tales from the Kitchen Table
    Oct-7-10 Gilbert, AZ Living with bipolar disorder or chronic migraine headaches is a challenge—and many doctors put their patients on Depakote to relieve their symptoms and to give them a chance to function. However, various Depakote side effects, including liver problems, temper that advantage. And warnings from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)...
  • German Study Lauding Depakote Flawed, Says Editorial
    Sep-28-10 BERLIN A German study on Depakote that was published in the summer may have been derailed by critics who feel the research raised more questions than it answered. Published in the 7/27/10 issue of Neurology , the study favored conventional antiepileptics such as Depakote over certain members of a newer crop of drugs. However, according to the 7/26/10...
  • Attorney: No Fixed Window for Depakote Adverse Reactions
    Sep-25-10 Baton Rouge, LA When patients were given their Depakote prescriptions they probably thought they were getting all the pertinent information about the anticonvulsant medication. But that may not be the case, says J. Benton Stewart II, an attorney at Stewart Law P.L.L.C. Compounding the problem is the fact that there is no fixed time frame for Depakote s...
  • Study Similar to 2005 Depakote Research to Look into AIDS Treatments
    Sep-11-10 Chapel Hill, NC Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will examine whether a cancer drug made by Merck could be a treatment for AIDS. A similar 2005 study found that the bipolar disorder drug Depakote was useful for treating AIDS. The study, led by professor of medicine David Margolis, will test Zolinza on 20 patients with H...
  • Depakote: The Kids Are Not All Right
    Jul-29-10 Branson, MO "My mom suffered from epileptic seizures since she was a kid, and I know she took Depakote during her last two pregnancies," says Taylor. "My youngest brother and I are most affected by birth defects because my dad said that by the time we were born, she was on a higher dosage of Depakote and she was taking Dilantin. Growing up, I remember...
  • Patients with Liver Problems Should Be Wary of Depakote Side Effects
    Jul-20-10 Abbot Park, IL Patients who may be prescribed sodium valproate and have liver problems should be sure to inform their doctor about their medical history, as their condition could lead to serious Depakote side effects . Sodium valproate is prescribed for a variety of functions and is found in several different medications, according to The...
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