Doctor: Chinese Drywall Linked with Premature Aging

. By Charles Benson

A doctor from the University of Southern California has linked Chinese drywall to premature aging and a number of other symptoms.

Dr. Kaye H. Kilburn of USC's School of Medicine is a top expert on hydrogen sulfide, a dangerous gas that has been found in houses that contain Chinese drywall, according to Tampa Bay Online.

Kilburn has heard numerous complaints from people living in homes with the affected drywall that detail symptoms like eye irritation, headache, fatigue and random nosebleeds.

"This is premature aging," Kilburn said after looking into the issue, reports the news source. "This is a death-causing problem."

Kilburn was brought into to study the problems associated with Chinese drywall by the Greater Sun City Center Contaminated Drywall Coordinating Group, which provides support for those who are affected by the tainted drywall.

The group is working to push the government to do research into the problems caused by Chinese drywall.

In addition to serious health risks, Chinese drywall can cause metal corrosion in homes, according to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.

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