  • rich May 13, 2010 at 1:27 pm

    If “municipalities are already sued for all kinds of things,” why is nobody doing a class lawsuit against one or more municipalities or a suit against governmental agencies such as the California Energy Commission?

    Basically, the municipalities and other governmental agencies for the past 30-years have changed the building codes in their effort to save energy. But in doing so has cause the indoor air quality to deteriorate to the point that it is negatively impacting the occupants health.

    Specifically, the California Air Resources Board’s report published December 15, 2009 states:

    “Nearly all homes (98%) had formaldehyde concentrations that exceeded guidelines for cancer and chronic irritation…”

    Researcher’s PowerPoint:

    Then there is a journal article that shows that homes built to the new wave of “green” building codes has even more toxic air quality issues than homes built to the regular code.

    There are other studies by CARB that show the fiberglass wall insulation alone will exceed the States maximium recommend level of formaldehyde.

    There is the issue that they are using chamber tests results for a commercial application to model residential homes even when the organization that developed the commerical chamber test protocol specifically advises not to due this becuase homes would have higher than predicted concentrations of toxic gases.

    During this same period illness in children under 5 have increased significantly. Children under 5 spend the vast majority of their time in their home.

    To me this is a classic case of idiots focused on one thing (saving energy) while ignoring the unintended consequences (sick residents).

    It would seem that if there was liability to municipalities or governmental agencies that it would be a no brainer to file litigation against them using the data that they themselves have published.

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