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Breach of Contract

This is a settlement for the Commercial lawsuit.

Edmonton, CA: (Jan-28-08) NAL Resources Ltd. brought a lawsuit against EPCOR Power LP, alleging breach of contract. The suit stated that NAL Resources, a subsidiary of Manulife Financial Corporation, supplied natural gas to EPCOR Power's Tunis power plant located in Ontario, and that EPCOR violated terms with respect to Tunis natural gas supply contracts. Sources close to the case said that EPCOR had reached a settlement with NAL, agreeing to pay a one-time payment of approximately $4.2 million for periods up to December 31, 2007. Officials on both sides stated that the settlement concludes all outstanding litigation, which commenced in 2003 with respect to Tunis natural gas supply contracts. [YAHOO: NATURAL GAS CONTRACT]

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Published on Jan-29-08


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