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Airport Runway

Greenville, TX: (Nov-19-07) The city of Greenville brought charges against Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan Inc. (PBS&J), an engineering company hired as part of a project to repave the runway at Majors Field Municipal Airport, alleging that they completed an incorrect survey of the runway prior to the start of the work, forcing the city to incur additional costs due to a delay in the project. The suit stated that when construction on the runway repaving began, the company failed to match existing conditions and the surveying services, calling for the procedure to be repeated. The delay caused by the company's mistakes cost the city more than $182,000. As part of a settlement reached, PBS&J agreed to pay the sum, in exchange for the settlement of the claim and the release of the firm from any further liability. [HERALD BANNER: CONSTRUCTION DELAYS]

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Published on Nov-20-07


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