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Marilyn Miglin, Duke Migilin, and Dr. Dennis Gordon

Chicago, IL: (Apr-07-07) Las Vegas attorney Jason Landess sued Marilyn Miglin, the 68-year-old widow of murdered real estate developer Lee Miglin, after their company, Advanced Medical Products, ran into losses. The dispute arose when Miglin invested $2.5 million for 25 percent ownership in Advanced Medical Products Inc., a company formed by Landess and a Las Vegas orthopedic surgeon, Dennis Gordon, who had invented a two-pronged needle which he claimed was an unproven treatment for spider veins on legs. In 2002, the company nearly ran out of money without selling many needles. Its failure led to disputes between investors, which ultimately resulted in lawsuits. In 2002, Landess sued Miglin, her son Duke, who got involved with the company after his mother's investment, and Gordon, alleging that they had conspired to force him out of the company so they could assume control of it. Gordon sued Landess for fraud. A minority investor also sued Miglin and others, alleging that they breached their fiduciary duty to the company. In a settlement reached, a jury found Gordon, Miglin and her son liable and awarded Landess and Advanced Medical Products a preliminary judgment of $16.8 million. [CHICAGO TRIBUNE: COSMETIC INVESTOR FRAUD]

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Published on Apr-12-07


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