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  • Lawsuit: Johnson & Johnson Pushed Levaquin, Other Drugs on Seniors
    Sep-27-10 Sacramento, CA: A recently filed lawsuit accuses drug maker Johnson & Johnson of pushing certain medications on senior citizens, including Levaquin . The lawsuit alleges that the drug company conspired with pharmaceutical consultant Omnicare to encourage nursing home residents to buy Johnson & Johnson medications, which is a violation of Medic...
  • Levaquin Patient Faces Constant Battle with Pain
    Sep-18-10 Pearson, GA Kimberley S. says she was given Levaquin when she was sick, but she had no idea about the serious side effects, which include tendon ruptures. If she had known, she says she would have asked for a different medication. "I was in the hospital about a year ago because I had pneumonia," Kimberley says. "They gave me Levaquin for it. Shortly...
  • More Levaquin Tendon Rupture Plaintiffs Take Legal Action
    Sep-5-10 St. Clair County, MI A new group of plaintiffs have added their voices to a complaint alleging that the antibiotic Levaquin caused a number of serious health problems."Levaquin-induced tendon injury [involving] the degradation of the tendon tissue, leading to severe and permanent injuries," claims a lawsuit filed on July 8 in St. Clair County Circuit C...
  • Johnson and Johnson May Have Used Kickbacks to Increase Sales of Levaquin
    Jan-22-10 Boston, MA The US Justice Department claims that noted pharmaceutical conglomerate Johnson and Johnson (J&J) may have paid tens of millions of dollars in kickbacks to influence pharmacies to carry many of its drugs like Risperdal and Levaquin . An official complaint filed with a federal court in Boston accuses the company of illegally paying mill...
  • Generic Levaquin Is in the Pipeline
    Dec-14-09 Washington, DC The potential for adverse responses to Levaquin increases with the expiry of Johnson & Johnson's (J&J) patent for levofloxacin, as it paves the way for generic manufacturers to introduce new sources of Levaquin into the drug market. It was announced on December 4 that Mylan Pharmaceuticals has been granted tentative approval b...
  • Levaquin Patient Suffers Tendon Pain for Two Years
    Dec-3-09 Lumberton, NC Levaquin side effects can be debilitating. Any patient who has suffered tendon ruptures or tears knows how painful the conditions can be—and many say they had no idea that Levaquin put them at an increased risk for tendon issues. "I had a minor sinus infection," says Cynthia B. (real name withheld). "I went to the doctor and she p...
  • Patient's Knee Swells up After Levaquin Use
    Nov-25-09 Newport, RI Some patients who have taken Levaquin know how debilitating the side effects can be—the drug has been linked to an increased risk of tendon tears and tendon ruptures. Mark P. (real name withheld) says he suffered Levaquin side effects and still feels the associated pain. "Fifteen years ago, I had some problems with diverticulitis,"...
  • Levaquin Side Effects Ground Outstanding Pilot
    Nov-13-09 New York, NY Greg Downs knows all about Levaquin and Levaquin side effects , including (but not limited to) Levaquin tendon rupture. His troubles with Levaquin began in 2006, when he was prescribed the powerful antibiotic for diverticulitis. Soon, he began feeling odd sensations and delayed focusing reaction, "like my head could not keep up with what...
  • Levaquin Side Effects "Like Getting Hit with a Fastball"
    Nov-6-09 El Paso, TX When Charles H. (name withheld) first started taking Levaquin, he experienced some minor aches and pains. However, he did not associate them with Levaquinuntil his most recent exposure to the medication. "I was suffering from sinus infections," Charles says. "In August 2009, I had a prescription for 500 mgs for ten days. Shortly after I...
  • Videogamers may want to avoid Levaquin and its reported side effects
    Oct-30-09 New York, NY According to new research, children who spend more than an hour playing video games may want to avoid medication such as Levaquin , due to its reported increased risk of developing tendonitis. Dr. Yasuf Yazici, an assistant professor of medicine at the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases in New York City, was the senior author of a study that...
  • Levaquin Side Effects Meant Life in Wheelchair for Seven Years
    Oct-23-09 Washington, DC When your child is prescribed medication you assume it's safe. However in the case of Levaquin, detractors say the safety factor is debatable. And Levaquin side effects , including Levaquin tendon rupture put one family through hell. Her name is Cheri Fakes—a soft-spoken, lovely young woman who one day dreamed of working for Disn...
  • Levaquin Patients Face Serious Risks
    Oct-12-09 Boise, ID Patients who take Levaquin to treat infections run a risk of developing Levaquin side effects, including Levaquin tendon ruptures. Unfortunately, many patients say they had no idea there was even a possibility of tendon ruptures associated with taking the Levaquin medication. Now, they are left dealing with the recovery, which can include ten...
  • Levaquin Patient Worried About Lifelong Pain
    Oct-7-09 Inman, KS Melissa C. took Levaquin for less than a week before she suffered severe Levaquin side effects. Although she has not suffered Levaquin tendon ruptures, her pain has not improved since stopping the medication. Now Melissa is worried that she could suffer from debilitating pain for the rest of her life. "I got the Levaquin on a Tuesday, abou...
  • More Lawsuits Over Levaquin Tendon Rupture
    Sep-28-09 Madison County, IL The propensity for Levaquin to foster Levaquin tendon problems continues to trigger lawsuits that allege not only issues with Levaquin side effects, but also the alleged suppressing of warnings over Levaquin tendon ruptures by the manufacturer. Earlier this month it was announced that four civil lawsuits have been filed against Jo...
  • Levaquin Patient Spends Summer With Foot in Brace
    Sep-24-09 San Diego, CA Kirk C. says that when he started taking Levaquin he had no idea he was not supposed to do any physical activity. That is because the reported Levaquin side effects include tendinitis and ruptured tendons. However, some patients, like Kirk, say they had no idea the Levaquin medication could cause such serious side effects. "I was on L...
  • Cipro Side Effects Misdiagnosed as Rheumatoid Arthritis
    Sep-17-09 Winston-Salem, NC: Phoebe took the prescribed dose of Cipro ( a ten-day treatment) in early 2008 for a sinus infection. It cleared up the infection but caused horrible and likely irreparable side effects. "I want to see this drug taken off the market," says Phoebe. "I think it is hurting a lot of people and severely affecting the lives of older people...
  • 3 Levaquin lawsuits filed citing tendon problems
    Sep-16-09 A total of 15 Illinois residents have filed three lawsuits against Johnson and Johnson for the reported adverse Levaquin side effects that they saw caused muscle problems. According to the suit, which was filed on September 2 in Madison County Circuit Court, the 15 plaintiffs say they were unaware at the time that the medication had the potential to caus...
  • Yet More Levaquin Lawsuits
    Sep-16-09 Madison, Ill Three lawsuits were filed this week against Johnson & Johnson, Ortho-McNeil, Pharmaceutical, Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development and Walgreens, by 15 people who allege they suffered severe tendon problems as a result of using the antibiotic Levaquin . Levaquin is a member of the fluoroquinolone class of antib...
  • New research suggests Levaquin and Avelox side effects may include double vision
    Sep-12-09 Antibiotics in the fluoroquinalone class have been linked to potential concerns over tendon ruptures, and now scientists say that the list of Levaquin and Avelox side effects may also need to incorporate double vision. Researchers at Oregon Health and Science University compiled more than 170 reports of double vision, or diplopia, with the average time t...
  • Levaquin Linked to Double Vision
    Sep-10-09 Portland, OR As if tendinitis and tendon rupture were not serious enough Levaquin side effects, the antibiotic has now been linked to yet another side effect. The Levaquin medication, which already carries a warning about the risk of tendon ruptures and tendinitis, was linked in a study to an increased risk of diplopia (double vision). So patients who ma...
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