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  • Keeping the Faith Despite Black Box Warning for Chantix Suicide
    Aug-17-09 Washington, DC There is no doubt that Chantix works for some. But even those who credit Chantix for helping them kick the nicotine habit admit to thoughts of suicide and various other Chantix side effects . Chantix warnings last month included a new black box warning for Chantix and suicide. The manufacturer of Chantix, meanwhile said in a conferenc...
  • "Chantix Like LSD from the 70s"
    Aug-5-09 Santa Maria, CA Debra managed to quit smoking during the time she took Chantix and for a short time afterward but she wasn't prepared for the side effects. "I asked my doctor if Chantix would do anything weird like make me dance in the street naked but he assured me that nothing untoward would happen," says Debra, who didn't know of any Chantix warni...
  • Chantix Guaranteed Panic Attacks
    Jul-29-09 Yuma, AZ: Carol's doctor advised her to quit smoking, especially because she was scheduled to have back surgery, and he prescribed Chantix , but after the surgery she started having panic attacks. And she never quit smoking. "I had never experienced a panic attack before," says Carol. "I had seen a doctor for depression but he said I was just a pess...
  • FDA Continues to Advocate Caution Over Chantix
    Jul-17-09 Washington, DC The last thing the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wants is to advocate that people stop taking Chantix . Rather, in the face of risk for Chantix suicide and various other Chantix side effects the various FDA warnings since 2007 is an effort to see an increase in patient monitoring. Chantix warnings now include a black box warning...
  • Chantix Black Box Warning Too Late for Some
    Jul-11-09 Okalona, MS On July 1, 2009 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a Boxed Warning on the prescribing information for the smoking cessation drug Chantix (varenicline). Sadly, the warning came too late for Dean Perry's son, Hansel, who took his own life on September 29, 2008. Mr. Perry blames Chantix for his son's death. "My daughter-in-...
  • Chantix is a "Loaded Gun"
    Jun-30-09 Lansing, MI "I went to the doctor for a chest cold and I told him I wanted to quit smoking, obviously cigarettes were making me worse," says Diane (not her real name). "He said I could not get a prescription for Chantix because I suffer from bi-polar disease. He didn't have to tell me that because his father (also a doctor) put me on Chantix last yea...
  • Chantix Appears on FDA Safety List
    Jun-17-09 Washington, DC The inclusion of Chantix on a new watch list released yesterday by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adds weight to the potential for Chantix suicide and various other Chantix side effects associated with the smoking cessation drug. Chantix warnings appear to have outdistanced any positive undertones surrounding Chantix since the P...
  • "Nightmares from Chantix Drove Me Crazy"
    Jun-9-09 Flint, MI Posted on the Chantix website is a litany of side effects: one of the most common is abnormal dreams. But scroll down and in smaller print the popular smoking cessation drug also lists "nightmares". Harriet didn't read the small print and neither did anyone tell her that she would have nightmares so bad she would be afraid to go to sleep, and s...
  • Chantix Blamed for Low Potassium, led to Psychosis
    May-29-09 Richmond, VA Virginia was prescribed Chantix in April 2007 and planned to take it for about a month to help her quit smoking. "I worked at Phillip Morris for 17 years and they encouraged us to smoke," says Virginia. But she was led to believe that kicking the habit would be easy with Chantix. Instead this drug turned Virginia's life into a living nightma...
  • Chantix Problems on a Number of Fronts: Tobacco Researcher
    May-18-09 Boston, MA A leading tobacco researcher has some things to say about Chantix and Chantix side effects. Michael Siegel is a former practicing physician and today serves as a professor in Social and Behavioral Sciences with Boston University School of Public Health. In his blog Professor Siegel raises the specter of Chantix suicide , together with the pos...
  • Chantix User almost Killed Himself—Or Someone Else
    May-11-09 InterLaken, NY For three months last year, Kevin's life was turned upside down because his doctor prescribed Chantix to help his nicotine withdrawal. Now Kevin wants the public to know the dangerous side effects of Chantix without proper monitoring. " I was one of the first patients my doctor prescribed Chantix to and he hasn't prescribed it since," says...
  • Chantix Breaks the Nicotine Habit but also Breaks Families
    Apr-30-09 Topeka, KS The prescription drug Chantix helps people break their smoking addiction, but it has also caused severe behavioral changes, from moodiness and insomnia to depression and even suicide. And it has broken families. "I am now in the process of a divorce, I have lost my job due to a loss of focus and depression and have lost the custody of my daugh...
  • Chantix Patient Knew She Would Die
    Apr-19-09 Grand Rapids, MI Her name is Valerie and she's a sales rep in Michigan. She is 55 years old and like many people of her generation she is a smoker. She is also a survivor—a survivor of Chantix danger . In December of 2007, Valerie thought that kicking the habit would be a wonderful Christmas present for her friends and family who didn't smoke. It als...
  • Chantix Suicide: "Something Demanded I Do It"
    Feb-12-09 Three Rivers, MI When Melinda F. started reading other people's stories about Chantix side effects, she started to cry. That was because she had not realized that her use of Chantix may have caused her suicide attempt in November, 2007. Melinda says that she had never experienced anything like the depression she went through while taking Chantix. "I...
  • Chantix "The Worst Drug"
    Dec-5-08 Gardena, CA For some patients, the two words go together all too well: Chantix suicide is not an abstract phenomenon for these people. In fact, it is a very real possibility. Mitchell W. says he was surprised by the Chantix side effects he suffered, especially since he had not experienced any side effects during an earlier round of the anti-smoking drug...
  • Chantix "A Nasty, Nasty Pill"
    Nov-28-08 Green Bay, WI: Patients who have a history of depression might be at risk for Chantix suicide when they attempt to quit smoking using the anti-smoking medication. However, not every patient says she has suffered such serious Chantix side effects. Barbara H. (not her real name) says she did not want to commit suicide while she was taking Chantix. What she...
  • Chantix Suicide a Real Possibility
    Nov-22-08 Mound, MN Amy M. can tell you that the possibility of a Chantix suicide is very real, especially for people who already experience depression. She was on Chantix for just over a week when she began suffering serious side effects. Amy has since stopped taking Chantix, but says she is worried about other people who may be severely affected by the drug. ...
  • Chantix Suicide and Homicide Risk: Lawsuit
    Nov-16-08 Boston, MA Chantix is a story that just won't go away. While critics pine for a Chantix recall that just isn't happening, and doctors become increasingly alarmed over associations between Chantix and suicide , a number of watchdog agencies continue to raise the alarm over this once-exalted anti-smoking drug that appears to be doing more harm than good f...
  • Chantix: "I'd Rather Die from Lung Cancer than Kill Myself"
    Nov-8-08 Bakersfield, CA It's a choice that many people do not realize they are making: the risk of developing lung cancer versus the risk of committing suicide while taking Chantix. Admittedly, many people try to quit smoking so they can lower their risk of lung cancer—but they do not realize that, depending on their means of quitting smoking, they may be inc...
  • Woman Angry and Depressed While Taking Chantix
    Nov-2-08 Ontario, Canada Dawna had been smoking 15 years when she decided to take Chantix [known in Canada and other places as Champix] to quit. She knew someone who had successfully used the drug to quit smoking and was hoping for the same result. Unfortunately, Dawna experienced serious problems while she was taking Chantix and is now afraid to try quitting aga...
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