Four More Victims Strike Out with Stryker Rejuvenate

. By Jane Mundy

Four more Stryker Rejuvenate hip implant victims are filing claims as they try to cope with hip replacement pain and possibly Stryker orthopedics metallosis. And since the Stryker recall this past July, Stryker attorneys anticipate a flood of Stryker recall lawsuits.

James had a Stryker hip replacement in July 2003 and has lived with pain ever since. “Immediately after surgery I had discomfort and the pain continues to get worse with time,” he says. “After the first couple of years and several x-rays later, being told the pain was from scar tissue, I stopped going back to my surgeon.” But now James’ hip hurts more than before the surgery and he is concerned that it will get even worse.

“After reading about other people having so many problems with their hip and knee replacements I'm wondering if there actually is a problem with my Stryker replacement—if it is indeed a defective device.”

Soon after his three-month post surgery follow-up, Gerry began to have pain with his Stryker replacement, and it’s getting worse. “During my doctor visit yesterday to address this increasing pain and chronic limp, I was informed of the Stryker recall,” he says. “My doctor now has me scheduled for an MRI, and chromium and cobalt level tests. I was also informed that I would need to have this hip removed and replaced. Needless to say, I am not a happy camper.”

Suzanne has also been told that she needs a revision surgery. “After talking to my doctor about all the pain and discomfort I’ve had since getting this Stryker hip, he suggested revision surgery,” she says. “He told me that the problems associated with this Stryker Orthopedics Rejuvenate Modular Hip System could cause more damage to my health.”

Suzanne is referring to Stryker orthopedics metallosis. Thousands of Stryker victims are alarmed after hearing from their surgeon that their recalled hip may be poisoning them. Hip replacement surgery with the Stryker Rejuvenate device has revealed heavy metal toxicity, including "the presence of milky, turbid fluid; large pseudotumor formation; soft tissue necrosis; muscle loss and/or bony necrosis at the proximal femur” with some victims.

“My revision surgery is scheduled for next month,” says George. “My hip was failing even during my recovery—I experienced clicking and popping sounds right from the get-go.” George had a full replacement surgery with Stryker in September 2010 and never returned to work. “It seems like I’m losing more range of motion by the week,” he says. “Because I lost my job, I lost my health insurance, so I have to pay for this surgery out of my own pocket. I’m only 39 years old with two kids to support—as you can imagine, this Stryker hip has ruined my life. At the very least, Stryker should pay for my revision surgery.”

To date, Stryker has not confirmed that it will cover costs to have the device removed. Stryker attorneys are working on that…

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