Tests to Begin on Leaking Well in BP Oil Spill

. By Charles Benson

BP, the company responsible for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, plans to test the leaking oil well to determine whether it can be sealed off.

A twice-delayed pressure test on the leaking well will be conducted shortly, according to Bloomberg BusinessWeek. The test will allow BP to determine if the containment cap on the well can be sealed without causing leaks to spring in other areas.

This procedure had been delayed when the federal government raised concerns about the effect that testing would have on the leaking oil well. Previously, a leak occurred when BP shut off the oil well using a new containment cap.

Clearly, the process of stemming the flow of oil into the Gulf is a complicated one.

"We have a very, very intricate procedure we need to go through," senior vice president for exploration and production Kent Wells told reporters during a conference call.

The BP oil spill began on April 20 when the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded and sank, killing 11 workers. Recently, the oil spill became the largest in the history of the Gulf of Mexico after leaking more than 150 million gallons of oil into the water.

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