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Future Testing Set for Chantix the Smoking Cessation Drug for Other Purposes

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San Francisco, CAFurther testing will soon be underway for the smoking cessation drug Chantix. Dr. Selena Bartlett, originally from Australia, with Dr. Markus Heilig of the US, will be heading up a research project regarding the drug. The two doctors will be conducting the study using human participants to test the effectiveness of Chantix on other addictive behaviors such as alcoholism and gambling.

Also, the study will focus on the effects for depression to see if the drug is effective in treating the condition. The study will commence at Preclinical Development Group at the Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Centre located on the campus of the University of California in San Diego. It is one of the premier alcohol and addiction research facilities around the globe. The study will begin some time in March 2008.

Chantix researchChantix has been tested on lab rats to test its effect on alcohol desire. The studies have shown that there is a fifty-percent reduction in alcohol intake in lab rats. Chantix is designed to connect to the brain receptors that are known for their "feel good" effect. The connection the drug makes with the receptors is supposed to bar alcohol and nicotine cravings.

Dr. Bartlett has believed Chantix would be highly effective in the area of addiction for quite some time now. She has had allegedly had some obstacles in piquing the curiosity of companies for the study. There is allegedly an idea that no market really exists for addiction relief. The study involving Chantix will be one of ten projects that will be conducted by Dr. Bartlett's team of researchers. The team is also interested in the lowering of alcohol ingestion. Other project will focus on the development of updated methods for drug screening.

The desire to help people with her interest in brain functions is the motivation behind Dr. Bartlett's study. Her sister allegedly had schizophrenia and is now deceased. Many of her efforts are allegedly in memory of her sister. Dr. Bartlett is fond of the neurosciences and wishes to use her knowledge and ability to assist in the area of addiction.

The smoking cessation drug has allegedly been surrounded with controversy recently. Some people using Chantix for the purpose of quitting smoking have experienced various alleged problems. The most serious reports of Chantix's effect have been the alleged onslaught of suicidal thoughts and severe depression in some taking the drug. Some people who have taken the drug reported allegedly having erratic and disturbing suicidal inclinations along with drastic mood swings. Many alleged cases caused those taking the drug to cease from using it and many allegedly went back to smoking. The alleged debate over the use of Chantix continues with opposing sides. Some experts do not believe the drug poses any harm. Others are allegedly convinced that the drug poses great risk to the mental well-being of those under its sway. It is alleged that Chantix was not tested on persons suffering from depression during its clinical studies before being placed on the market.

By Delsia Hartford


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If you or a loved one has suffered suicidal thoughts, or committed suicide from using Chantix, please contact a lawyer involved in a possible [Chantix Lawsuit] to review your case at no cost or obligation.


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