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Off-Label Drug Marketing

Washington, DC: (Nov-14-07) The US Justice Department brought charges against Cephalon following an investigation that revealed that the company promoted off-label marketing of products including its pain reliever Actiq. Experts stated that Actiq is approved by the FDA for use in cancer patients, but is often prescribed by physicians' off-label for other types of pain, such as migraine headaches. Though doctors are allowed to prescribe FDA-OK'd drugs for any condition, drugmakers are only allowed to market them for uses approved by the agency.

As part of a settlement agreement, Cephalon has agreed to a single misdemeanor violation of the US Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and will enter into a corporate integrity agreement with the Department of Health and Human Services. The company also agreed to pay $425 million to settle the US Justice Department investigation. Officials stated that the settlement with the US Attorney's Office in Philadelphia and the US Department of Justice covers federal and state Medicaid claims. [MEDICAL MARKETING & MEDIA: OFF-LABEL DRUGS]

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Published on Nov-15-07


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