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  • Shoulder Pain Pump Ends Catering Career
    Jun-13-11 Sanford, FL Karen, a former caterer, hasn't been able to work since 2008 when she had shoulder surgery and was given a shoulder pain pump . "Ever since then I am in constant pain and my doctor said I can't lift anything over three pounds," says Karen. Not being able to lift or carry anything certainly limits any work opportunities. Karen, age 55, say...
  • Latest Levaquin Trial Underway Alleging Levaquin Tendon Rupture
    Jun-11-11 Minneapolis, MN The Levaquin plaintiff, who was awarded nearly $2 million dollars in damages due to his experience with Levaquin side effects , used to walk two miles a day to stay fit. Now Bob Schedin, at 83, is lucky to walk 30 feet. But it's not his age holding him back, but rather the impact of Levaquin on his tendons. He was 77 the day he went t...
  • While DePuy Lawsuits Go International, FDA Requests More Information
    Jun-7-11 Washington, DC While lawsuits concerning DePuy Hip Replacement devices have taken on an international angle, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has told device makers, including the maker of the DePuy hip, to study data about the hip replacement devices. Lawsuits concerning the DePuy hip have already been filed in the US, although more lawsuits...
  • Family of Stevens Johnson Syndrome Victim Awarded $10 Million
    Jun-7-11 Philadelphia, PA A case of Stevens Johnson Syndrome that affected the life of a child is going to cost the manufacturer of Motrin $10 million dollars, following a jury verdict last month. Stevens Johnson Syndrome, also known as SJS, can be triggered by an allergic reaction to seemingly harmless, over-the-counter pain medication. That's what happened...
  • Study Links Actos to Bladder Cancer
    Jun-3-11 Houston, TX For patients who were relieved that Actos side effects were seemingly less severe than side effects associated with Avandia , there may still be some cause for concern. A review of data from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) indicates there may be a link between Actos and bladder cancer, although how strong that link is remains t...
  • Side Effects of Terbutaline in Pregnancy Seen across the Globe
    Jun-3-11 Galway, Ireland A recent inquest into the death of a baby girl in Ireland, who succumbed to a lack of oxygen during delivery, heard that the midwife involved contacted a consultant because she was concerned about terbutaline side effects . According to the Evening Herald , the baby, Amber Reilly, was delivered through an emergency Cesarean section a...
  • Woman Suffers the Pinnacle of Pain with DePuy Pinnacle
    Jun-2-11 County Durham, UK The DePuy Pinnacle has sadly and irrecoverably put a woman from the United Kingdom on a path to pain and frustration from which she cannot seem to escape. Margaret Davie is a retired civil servant who has since founded a support group in her part of the world for Pinnacle patients having suffered in similar fashion. According to th...
  • The Tragedy of a True Effexor Pregnancy
    May-30-11 Washington, DC Indiana Delahunty weighed in at 7 pounds, 15 ounces when she was born July 26, 2008. Her third birthday would be this summer. But Indiana will never see her third birthday. She never saw her first. "Indy," as her mother called her, was a victim of Effexor birth defects . Christian had been taking Effexor since her own mother died in 20...
  • The Unborn Child Cannot Comment on Depakote Birth Defects
    May-27-11 Washington, DC The capacity for a drug—any drug—to be allowed on the market without being completely safe appears to defy logic on the surface. However, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has long since followed the protocol that so long as a drug's benefits outweigh the risks, it is worthy to be sold and used according to the various ca...
  • DePuy Hip Replacement Recall Affecting Patients around the World
    May-26-11 Wheeling, WV Johnson & Johnson's DePuy Orthopaedics unit's hip replacement recall has affected patients across the globe, including a West Virginia woman who claims she developed unsafe levels of chromium and cobalt as a result of the device. According to the Courthouse News Service , Delores Hatcher claims in a federal lawsuit that she underwe...
  • Lack of Benefit for PAH Latest Issue for Zocor Cholesterol Drug
    May-25-11 Denver, CO A recent study in which researchers determined that neither aspirin nor simvastatin (Zocor) proved effective in treating pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is just the latest issue for the cholesterol drug Zocor . According to MedPage Today , the study, which examined performance in the six-minute walk test, found no evidence to suppor...
  • Illinois Man Files Lawsuit over Alleged Depakote Birth Defects
    May-16-11 Fairview Heights, IL A resident of Fairview Heights, Illinois, recently filed a Depakote birth defects lawsuit against Abbott Laboratories, the manufacturer of the seizure medication. The St. Clair Record reports that Myles Brumfield filed the lawsuit, which represents a number of other patients claiming their children suffered defects as a result...
  • Stevens Johnson Syndrome Changing People's Lives
    May-15-11 DeKalb, IL Many people do not know that when they take common medications, they could be putting themselves at risk of Stevens Johnson Syndrome . Also known as SJS, Stevens Johnson Syndrome is a potentially fatal disease that often has serious consequences even for patients who survive their Stevens Johnson Syndrome skin disease. Unfortunately, many pat...
  • Can Terbutaline Lead to Autism?
    May-15-11 Washington, DC When the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released additional cautions with regard to Terbutaline Sulfate in February, many women will have looked back to their recent use of the drug—often prescribed to quell premature labor—and whether or not having been given Terbutaline during pregnancy may have left a child with lin...
  • Massachusetts College Student Files Back Injury Compensation Claim
    May-12-11 Salem, MA A college student from Salem, Massachusetts, has filed a back injury compensation claim after she was one of those most seriously injured in a trolley accident two years ago. The Salem News reports that Samantha Mattei was a freshman at Merrimack College who was on her way into Boston for a concert in May 2009 when she boarded a Green Li...
  • Basketball Player's Career on Hold—Courtesy of Shoulder Pain Pump
    May-5-11 Serritos, CA James, a promising basketball player, is angry, to say the least. "My doctor told me that this shoulder pain pump can end my basketball career," he says. "I'm only 29 years old and now I'm facing a shoulder replacement—this is ridiculous." James's doctor is concerned that James has destroyed cartilage, a condition that causes seve...
  • Woman Files DePuy Lawsuit After Five Hip Replacement Surgeries
    May-5-11 Warsaw, IN For any patient with a hip implant, learning about the DePuy Hip Replacement might have been a cause for concern. Learning that they might have had to have their DePuy Hip implant device replaced probably caused frustration and anger. But for one patient, who reportedly had five hip replacement surgeries, enough is enough. She has now filed...
  • Teen's Tragic Stevens Johnson Syndrome Ordeal
    Apr-25-11 Stanford, CA What was supposed to be one of the most exciting trips of a teenager's life turned tragic when the teen reportedly developed Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS). The patient was on his way to Disneyland for the first time in his life when he developed Stevens Johnson syndrome symptoms. Now, the boy is in intensive care, fighting off the SJS. ...
  • White House Looks to Eliminate Darvocet Overdose
    Apr-25-11 Washington, DC The Obama administration is looking to limit prescription drug abuse such as Darvocet overdose , which has become one of the fastest-growing drug problems in the US, reports CNN . According to the news provider, the problem has become so serious that the administration is releasing a plan to combat the issue. "The toll our nation's...
  • Tylenol Side Effects Could Include Asthma in Children Prenatally Exposed
    Apr-20-11 New York, NY A recent study published in the April issue of Clinical and Experimental Allergy Journal indicates that Tylenol side effects could include the development of asthma in children who received prenatal exposure. WPVI , a local ABC affiliate, reports that the potential link between prenatal Tylenol use and childhood asthma has received a...
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