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  • Nail gun injury legal help. File your complaint with a nail gun lawyer.
    Nail gun injuries are potentially life-threatening accidents that can result in serious harm to the victim. Because nails are designed to pierce and penetrate material, nail gun accidents can penetrate the victim's skin, putting him at risk of internal injuries. Despite warnings from doctors and researchers, nail guns are available at hardware stores...
  • Fixodent Denture Cream Zinc Poisoning
    People who use denture cream and other denture adhesives may be at a risk of denture cream poisoning , according to a study published in the journal Neurology in 2008. That study found a risk of zinc build-up in users of denture cream, which can result in neurological problems. Products linked to the denture cream poisoning include PoliGrip, Super PoliGrip...
  • Charité Spinal Disc - Charité Disc Complications
    Many patients who have received the Charité artificial disc replacement are experiencing Charité disc complications , including more back pain than before their Charité spinal disc implant. Still, there has not yet been a Charité disc recall . Charité ™ Spinal Disc Lawsuit...
  • Patient Regrets Surgery with Shoulder Pain Pump
    Dec-13-08 Tampa, FL If you're like some patients who had a shoulder pain pump implanted after shoulder surgery, you may regret ever having had the surgery at all. Todd D. certainly does. His minor shoulder injury required surgery, but that shoulder surgery, which involved a pump for pain management, may have created even more problems for Todd. "I had my first...
  • Defective Products - Verdict in favor of Plaintiff in the amount of US$7,500,000
    Case Name : Chris Bent v Sears Roebuck and Electrolux Home Products Case Number : 114656-2009 Verdict Date : 2016-07-13 Outcome Type :  Jury Verdict Court : New York County Supreme Court Incident Date : 2009-08-19 ...
  • FDA Finally Yanks Permax Off the US Market
    Apr-6-07 Washington, DC: On March 29, 2007, the FDA withdrew Permax (pergolide) from the market because it increases the risk of valvular heart disease. Permax belongs to a class of drugs known as dopamine agonists that help regulate balance and movement in Parkinson's patients who suffer from a lack of dopamine. When Permax was FDA approved in 1988, Eli Lilly...
  • California car accidents | California auto accidents |
    Auto accidents are one of the leading causes of injury and death in the United States, causing 3 million injuries and killing over 40,000 people per year. California car accidents are higher than the national average: thousands of auto accident fatalities occur each year in California for numerous reasons. California Car Accidents Nationwid...
  • Medtronic Infuse Bone Graft Leaves Young Father Disabled
    Oct-31-14 Apelousas, LA: Chris has been disabled for three years - since having a Medtronic Infuse bone graft implanted. “Ever since this Medtronic bone was put in my back, my life has been hell. I’ve worked all my life and I’ve always been the provider for my family,” says Chris. “Now I can no longer be that man.” Chris...
  • FDA Announces Levaquin Risks Outweigh Benefits
    May-13-16 Washington, DC: The FDA today issued a new warning for Levaquin and other fluoroquinolones, adding that side effects of the antibiotic medication “generally” outweigh its benefits. The FDA warning came almost a year after an investigation by NewsNet5. Its 5 On Your Side program reported that an FDA database comprised “at least...
  • Back and Neck Injury: Insist on MRI
    May-10-13 Seattle, WA Jeanette, a nurse, suffered an accident at work that resulted in a back and neck injury . Because she didn’t get the correct treatment in time, Jeanette’s surgeon says that she will walk with a limp for the rest of her life. Jeanette isn’t looking for back injury compensation for the slip and fall accident: she knows...
  • Medtronic Infuse: Painful and Tragic Consequences
    Sep-4-12 Denver, CO Since having a Medtronic Infuse bone graft six years ago, Libby was prescribed Fentanyl patches and oxycontin for severe pain. Unfortunately, one of the drugs prescribed to take away her pain, took away her son as well. “The saddest part of all is that Joshua stole one of my Fentanyl patches a year ago, overdosed and died,” sa...
  • Chinese Drywall Settlement Reached
    New Orleans, LA: A global settlement has been reached in a class action litigation involving all drywall imported to the US from China. The litigation claims that Chinese drywall causes property damage, including damage to fixtures, electrical wiring, corrosion of pipes, and damage to or destruction of air conditioners, HVAC systems, refrigerators, an...
  • Levaquin User Files Shareholder Proxy for Johnson & Johnson's Next Annual Meeting
    Dec-28-10 Passaic, NJ Paul Cahan's story is a tragic example of the drug industry's failure—and the FDA's failure—to recall Levaquin and other dangerous quinolones. Since Cahan suffered permanent tendon and nerve damage from Floxin, he has advocated for a complete Levaquin withdrawal and even filed a Shareholder Proxy for Johnson & Johnson's next...
  • No Excuse for marketing Ace Inhibitors to Pregnant Women
    Oct-20-06 Waltham, MA In the wake of a study published in June 2006, in The New England Journal of Medicine found a higher rate of birth defects in infants born to mothers who filled prescriptions for Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACE inhibitors), during the first trimester of pregnancy. The FDA advised women to reconsider the use of those drugs b...
  • Hydroxycut Recall - Hydroxycut Side Effects, Hydroxycut Supplements -
    The FDA is warning consumers not to use Hydroxycut products and has announced a Hydroxycut recall, because some Hydroxycut supplements have been associated with serious liver injuries. So far, 23 reports of serious health problems, including Hydroxycut liver damage and cardiovascular disorders, have been made to the FDA. The FDA has also received a re...
  • Hurricane Ike Victims Fight for Compensation
    Windstorm Insurer May Not Pay for Water Damage Hurricane Ike victims living on the Texas coast have been told that they may not receive compensation from the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) for water damage resulting from the hurricane's storm surge. The TWIA has said that it intends to pay Gulf Coast policy holders for wind damage,...
  • Hurricane Insurance Coverage, USAA Casualty Insurance awards couple settlement for their damaged home
    San Antonio, TX: (Oct-01-07) Kevin and Sherrye Webster brought a lawsuit against San Antonio-based USAA Casualty Insurance Co., alleging that the company did not cover their property damage claim after Hurricane Katrina. The couple is among thousands of Mississippi and Louisiana property owners who have sued their insurers after Katrina wiped out large swa...
  • Study Links Popular Oral Antibiotics to Increased Risk of Nerve Damage
    Aug-23-14 Vancouver, BC A Canadian-US research team has made an important and scientifically proven link between a class of potent and commonly used antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones (FQs) and a condition known as peripheral neuropathy (PN) . “This is the first large epidemiologic study. It confirms a previous data mining study and the conclusions of the...
  • Hip and Knee Replacement FAQ
    Why are hip and knee implant devices being recalled? Some hip and knee implant devices are being recalled because of high failure rates that result in patients requiring revision surgery years before they typically should. For example, most hip implants are expected to last approximately 15 years, but with some implant devices, such as the DePuy ASR h...
  • Hip & Knee Replacement Implant Failure - Hip Replacement Lawsuit & Lawyer
    The past decade has seen an exponential increase in hip and knee replacements and with it, hip & knee replacement failure . With more and more baby boomers approaching an older age, hip and knee replacement surgery is becoming more common--as are hip and knee replacement complaints . Since the Depuy hip and knee replacement recalls in 2005, thousands...
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