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  • Possible Salmonella Contamination Prompts Recall of Dry Soup and Stroganoff Mixes
    Washington, DC: MiDAS Foods International of Oak Park, MI is recalling Instant Beef Soup dry mix and Instant Beef Stroganoff sauce mix because it has the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella, an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems...
  • Toyota Announces Voluntary Recall on 2003 Model-Year Sequoia
    Torrence, CA: Toyota Motor Sales (TMS), USA, Inc, has announced it will conduct a voluntary safety recall on approximately 50,000 early-2003 Model-Year Toyota Sequoia sport utility vehicles to upgrade program logic in its Vehicle Stability Control (VSC) system. The VSC system can help control a loss of traction in turns as a result of front or re...
  • BP Oil Spill: Officials Consider Changes to Law
    Jun-9-10 Washington, DC In the wake of the disastrous BP oil spill , regulators are considering changing the rights of family members whose loved ones die at sea. Although the focus of the media is on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the families of the men missing and presumed dead following the explosion of the oil rig have filed lawsuits alleging negligence on t...
  • Credit Card Company Abuse
    Despite recent laws passed to protect consumers from credit card abuse , abusive practices reportedly continue to pose a problem. Some abusive credit card practices include credit card rate hikes , credit card fraud , credit card late fees , credit card overlimit fees and credit card annual fees . Some credit card companies are also accused of illega...
  • Pfizer Loses Prempro Appeal
    Jun-21-10 Washington, DC Pfizer has lost its appeal of a ruling that ordered a retrial on punitive damages awarded to a woman who developed breast cancer after taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) The appeal was rejected by the US Supreme Court. In 2008, a jury in Arkansas awarded Donna Scroggin compensatory damages of $2.7 million and punitive damages of...
  • Potential Fosamax Class Action Lawsuit Emerging in Canada
    Jun-21-10 Montreal, PQ Option-Consommateurs (OC), a not-for-profit consumer group based in Montreal, filed a class action demand in 2007 and according to the Canwest news service wants to launch a class action lawsuit against Merck Frosst for allegedly failing to disclose Fosamax side effects. A spokesperson for OC, Jacinthe Lauzon, cites a number of disturbi...
  • Víctima del amianto le gana pleito y más de $14 millones
    Jun-21-10 Miami, FL La familia de un hombre que murió de complicaciones de mesotelioma ha sido otorgada más de $14 millones por un jurado en Miami-Dade en su reciente pleito con el fabricante químico Union Carbide (UC). William Aubin era el patrón de una empresa de construcción que usaba los productos de UC por más de...
  • Paxil Can Cause Heart Defect in Newborns
    Jun-21-10 Montreal, Canada There are many side effects associated with the antidepressant Paxil , but certainly one of the scariest is the risk of heart defects in newborns whose mothers took the drug. A recent study showed that pregnant woman who take selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors like Paxil are not only more likely to deliver children with birth d...
  • College Hoops Player Injured in Missouri Car Accident
    Jun-21-10 St. Louis, MO A college basketball player was seriously injured in a Missouri car accident , reports the News-Leader. According to the crash report released by the the Missouri Highway Patrol, Michael Porter, a sophomore on the Missouri State basketball team, lost control of his Nissan as he rounded a curve. The car went into a roll and the driver wa...
  • FDA Issues Warning for 14 Faulty External Defibrillators
    Washington, DC: About 280,000 external defibrillators used worldwide in health care facilities, public places, or in the home may malfunction during attempts to rescue people in sudden cardiac arrest, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned today. Sudden cardiac arrest is a condition in which the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating. Wh...
  • Seroquel Illegal Marketing Case Settled for $520 Million
    Washington, DC: A $520 million settlement has been reached with AstraZeneca and the US Justice Department, which will bring to an end federal investigations into the marketing practices for the company's blockbuster antipsychotic drug Seroquel . The UK-based pharmaceutical company will also sign a corporate integrity agreement with the US federal g...
  • Attorney Hopes "Discretionary Proof" Suit will Clean Up the Insurance Industry
    Jun-16-10 Detroit, MI Detroit attorney John Conway has stepped up to the plate many times on behalf of clients whose disability claims have been denied. Recently he launched a national class action on behalf of Sun Life Canada policyholders who allege their claims have been unfairly and illegal adjudicated under the company's discretionary proof clause. The d...
  • Mother Sues, Alleges Reglan Harmed Her Child
    Jun-20-10 LaPlace, LA A woman who was prescribed Reglan while pregnant, allegedly without being warned of the potential side effects, is suing a handful of defendants after her son was born with serious physical deficiencies. Reglan, generically known as metoclopramide, is commonly used to treat acid reflux and other symptoms. Lindsey C. Whitener was pregnant...
  • Proton Pump Inhibitors Increase Risk of Hip Fractures, Says FDA
    Jun-20-10 Washington, DC People who take medication with proton pump inhibitors to reduce stomach acid are at increased of fractures, according to the US Food and Drug Administration. The federal agency warned that high doses or long-term use of proton pump inhibitors can increase the risk of wrist, spine and hip fractures. Dr. Joyce Korvick, deputy direct...
  • Boating Accident Leaves One Dead
    Jun-20-10 Delaware, OH An man recently died of injuries sustained in a boating accident when two boats collided head-on in an Ohio state park. The Mount Vernon News reports that Dale Baker was on board the craft that his brother, Robert Baker, was operating when accident occurred. According to a spokesperson from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (O...
  • Deaths and Adverse Events Prompt FDA Action on Infusion Pumps
    Washington, DC: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that they are issuing preliminary guidelines requiring manufacturers of infusion pumps to supply them with adequate test data prior to the devices receiving federal approval for commercial sale. The move results from numerous complaints about a variety of automated pumps used to...
  • More Questions About Paxil Side Effects
    May-29-10 Chicago, IL A new article in ScienceNews raises questions about the risk of Paxil side effects and Paxil birth defects in children exposed to the antidepressant prior to birth. The article cites studies that suggest subtle changes in the brains of babies exposed to Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants. Paxil is one of the dru...
  • Inmate Suffering from Stevens Johnson Syndrome after Medicine Changed behind Bars
    Jun-19-10 Lafayette, IN As of last week, Lekeia Brown, an inmate at Tippecanoe County Jail, had yet to be moved to the burn unit at Methodist Hospital despite suffering severe pain from Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) after her medication was changed. WLFI 18 Television of Lafayette, Indiana reported on June 11 that the 24-year-old mother was serving time for...
  • Reversal of Diagnosis: Canadian Man Told He Was Terminal
    Jun-18-10 Vancouver, BC In June 2008 David Earl Meisner was given the bad news at Surrey Memorial Hospital in Vancouver, British Columbia. His prostate cancer had spread and was causing the lower back pain that had brought Meisner to the hospital in the first place. The only option at this point was a palliative radiation therapy. Meisner was terminal. Six months...
  • Concerns over Avandia Side Effects Prompt Critics to Call for Restructuring of the FDA
    Jun-18-10 Boston, MA Consumers worried about the potentially lethal side effects of the diabetes drug Avandia have begun calling for sweeping changes to the US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) approval process, according to a recent report in the Boston Globe. The problem, according to one critic of the system, is that the FDA lacks the checks and balan...
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