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  • The Case of Ms. Jane Doe and Title IX
    Feb-19-15 Grandville, MI In the autumn of 2010, a 15-year-old Jane Doe reported that she had been sexually assaulted by one of the school’s star athletes in a soundproof band practice room at her secondary school in Michigan. So began Jane Doe’s ordeal that continues to this day as she fights for justice in a civil action whereby she claims that h...
  • Depakote for Migraine? Weigh the Risks
    Feb-21-15 Tampa, FL The decision to discontinue taking Depakote and risk an epileptic seizure during pregnancy isn’t easy. While most doctors agree that valproic acid (Depakote) should be a last resort for pregnant women, the consensus is that seizures are worse for the babies than risking Depakote birth defects. But why prescribe the drug for migraine or...
  • Study: Naturally Occurring Asbestos Poses a Risk
    Feb-18-15 Las Vegas, NV Because the risk of developing asbestosis and mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos is so high, there are rules to protect employees who regularly work around asbestos. But people who do not work around asbestos might also be at risk of asbestos cancer, asbestosis and other serious health problems, without even knowing about it. Us...
  • News and information on Levaquin lawsuits and side effects related to Peripheral Sensorimotor Neuropathy
    In 2013, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced it was updating the warning labels for fluoroquinolone antibiotics to better describe the risk of serious a fluoroquinolone side effect known as peripheral neuropathy . This serious side effect could be permanent and could reportedly occur soon after beginning treatment of the drugs. Lev...
  • Levaquin FAQ
    What is Levaquin ? Levaquin belongs to a class of antibiotics called fluroquinolones and is prescribed to millions of people each year. It is a powerful medication prescribed to treat certain bacterial infections, including pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus, skin, and urinary tract infections. Fluoroquinolones were originally designed and approv...
  • UCLA CRE Superbug Outbreak Kills 2, Infects 179
    Feb-20-15 Los Angeles, CA Two people are dead and 179 potentially infected with a deadly superbug found at a UCLA medical center. According to a report by Frontline, the antibiotic resistant superbug outbreak took place at Ronald Reagan Medical Center from October 2014 to January 2015. It is believed that tainted medical scopes, called duodenoscopes, may...
  • Have Crestor Side Effects Done Me In?
    Feb-20-15 Toronto, ON Can we talk? Thank you. This is written in the first person as the subject at hand is Crestor and I have been mandated to take the stuff by my doctor. I fit the profile: I am middle-aged and my so-called “bad” LDL cholesterol is a tad on the high side. For various reasons he has me on 30 mg per day, which may be reduced going forwar...
  • Persistence Pays Off for Chapel Hill Extended Warranty Plaintiffs
    Feb-17-15 Chapel Hill, NC A couple from Chapel Hill who brought a Home Warranty Lawsuit against the contractor and a supplier of their custom-built home encountered a few setbacks in their litigation. But they stuck with it and late last year were rewarded with a partial victory by the North Carolina Supreme Court. Plaintiffs George and Deborah Christie had h...
  • Zappos Reaches Data Breach Settlement with Nine States
    Los Angeles, CA: Inc. has reached a settlement in a data breach class action filed by nine states. The clothing retailer announced a no-fault assurance of voluntary compliance settlement of enforcement actions related to the hacking which was made public in January 2012. The data hack affected 24 million customers, whose personal inform...
  • In Case of Car Accident: A Lawyer Can be Your Best Friend
    May-23-07 Parsippany, NJ If you were ever in the market for a good lawyer, chances are it would be after a car accident. Not to soften the consequences of an accident for which you might have been at fault, but rather to represent your interests - and plain, old-fashioned fair play - in the face of the other guy, having caused the accident in the first place, gett...
  • The Lasting Legacy of Fen-Phen
    Feb-16-15 Los Angeles, CA Ask anyone who was at all concerned about their weight in the mid-to-late ’90s and they’ll likely remember the fen-phen debacle: A weight loss drug that came with an increased risk of serious heart and lung problems. Those problems - primary pulmonary hypertension (now called pulmonary atrial hypertension) and/or heart valve...
  • Herbal Supplements Under Attack from Regulators and Consumers
    Feb-18-15 Washington, DC If you take any pill, you’re supposed to know what’s in that pill. That’s the basis for regulations concerning pharmaceuticals. But when it comes to herbal supplements , the rules are more relaxed, and it turns out that some herbal supplements may have been sold without the ingredients their labels claimed they contained...
  • Xarelto Bleedout: Where Is the Exit Strategy?
    Feb-18-15 Charleston, WV In life, it is always good to prepare well. Know where you’re going. Have a plan. Having said that, a good plan always includes an exit strategy in case something goes wrong. In case the original decision proved to be the wrong one. This is something we tell our kids, our business partners and ourselves. Plan for moving forward, but al...
  • Diabetes y aumento de peso por Zyprexa
    Zyprexa (olanzapina) es un medicamento recetado para el tratamiento de la esquizofrenia y la manía bipolar y se lo ha vinculado a la diabetes mellitus, la hiperglucemia, la pancreatitis y a trastornos de azúcar en sangre. Se han informado 288 casos de diabetes en pacientes a los que se administró Zyprexa; 23 de ellos resultaron fatales...
  • Investigations Focus on Illegal Marketing by Medical Device and Supply Companies
    May-18-07 Washington, DC Government law enforcement agencies have made it known that illegal marketing and promotional practices of medical device and supply companies are now the targets of investigations basically because lawmakers who oversee spending by public health care programs say the booming business in this field of medicine is a little too good to be true...
  • Device Makers Profit by Promoting Biliary Stents for Dangerous Unapproved Uses
    May-16-07 Washington DC There is a major controversy brewing over the off-label sale of biliary stents for unapproved uses. On March 12, 2007, the FDA held a meeting in Washington with the makers of the bile stents to remind them about the restrictions on their promotion of these devices for unapproved uses. For the record, the FDA approved use for the majority o...
  • New Studies Announced to Scrutinize Propecia Impotence
    Feb-14-15 Milano, Italy An indicator of the seriousness and real-world concern over Propecia finasteride remains the implementation of studies designed to delve into why some men experience sexual dysfunction following use of Propecia for either hair loss or problems related to the prostate. Many plaintiffs allege that not only did Propecia foster sexual dysfunc...
  • Benicar Sprue-Like Enteropathy More Than Just “Unpleasant”
    Feb-13-15 Washington, DC For the majority of Americans, diarrhea and dehydration are temporary annoyances that bring discomfort and inconvenience, but clear up once the gastrointestinal cause of these symptoms abates. However, for patients suffering Benicar side effects , such symptoms can be long lasting and can land many a Benicar patient in the hospital for an...
  • Defective CR Bard IVC Filter Injury Lawsuit Settlement Reached
    Feb-12-15 Los Angeles, CA CR Bard, a manufacturer of inferior vena cava (IVC) filters, has agreed to a confidential settlement in a defective products lawsuit just six days before heading to trial. The case, filed in Nevada by plaintiff Kevin Phillips, alleged that Bard’s IVC Filter, known as the Recovery Filter System ("RFS"), was defectively designed...
  • Sony Attempts to Toss Data Breach Lawsuits
    Feb-12-15 Los Angeles, CA The massive data breach that brought Sony to a public relations waterloo in the weeks leading up to Christmas last year (and ironically, in its wake, creating an unexpected public awareness coup for its new movie, The Interview ) is already percolating through the courts with a bid to consolidate six federal class actions. A seventh pr...
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