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Doctor: Veteran Medical Malpractice Report is Retaliation

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Fayetteville, NCA former Fayetteville Veterans Affairs Medical Center doctor is suing the VA, claiming that a veteran medical malpractice report had been filed against him as a result of an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaint he made in 2006.

Dr. Jawal Suleman, a cardiologist who worked at the Fayetteville VA from 2001 to 2006, is trying to stop the hospital from filing a medical malpractice payment report against him, according to

The report details the death of a 77-year-old veteran who was treated at the Fayetteville VA. The report says that the veteran came to the hospital in 2002 and was operated on for a hernia, but died the following morning. The veteran's death was partially a result of pain medication that he was improperly given, according to the report.

Suleman claims that he did not know anything about the veteran until he was identified as the doctor overseeing his care in 2004.

The cardiologist claims that the reports dealing with the veteran's death are contradictory and not credible, reports the news source.

Suleman's lawsuit says that the veteran medical malpractice report was filed against him because of an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaint he filed, which was settled in July 2006.


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