Debilitating Botox Treatment Results in Medical Malpractice Suit

. By Lucy Campbell

Richard Hart, who suffers from torticollis, filed a medical malpractice suit this week alleging that the botox treatment he received has left him with a number of debilitating health conditions, including paralysis of his respiratory muscles.

Torticollis, or wry neck, causes the head to tilt to one side and the chin to raise and turn in the other direction. Mr. Hart sought treatment with a physician who prescribed and administered the botox in allegedly excessive doses, resulting in Mr. Hart's blurred vision, difficulty swallowing, loss of a gag reflex, and other severe ailments. His injuries will require ongoing medical monitoring.

Botox (onabutlinumtoxin A) is highly toxic. Reports indicate that the effects of botox may spread from the area of the injection site to other areas of the body, causing symptoms similar to those of botulism. On April 30, 2009, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a news release requiring that all botulinum toxin products, including botox, warn consumers of the possibility of severe adverse events. The FDA also stated that treatment of muscle spasticity is not an FDA-approved use of botulinum toxin products.

However, at the time that Mr. Hart received his treatment, the warnings were not prominently labeled.

Mr. Hart is suing the physician who gave him the botox injections, Tenet Health System SL Inc, and Allergan USA Inc, the maker of Botox botulinum toxin in a medical malpractice.