Hydroxycut Patient Says Supplements Changed Her Life

. By Heidi Turner

Jo C. says she has been taking Hydroxycut supplements on and off for approximately 10 years. After she started taking Hydroxycut Max, about 2 years ago, Jo says her health went downhill. However, she did not link her health problems to the Hydroxycut diet supplements until the supplements were recalled.

"I was taking Hydroxycut because it is listed in all the magazines and the stores tell you to use it [to lose weight and keep it off]," Jo says. "This past 2 years [since she started taking Hydroxycut Max], I've been going back and forth to the doctor. I feel like a hypochondriac because they never found any problems with me.

I've been very lethargic, I have chest problems and stomach problems, pain whenever I eat and I'm constantly dizzy. I am very weak. I'm in bed 3 to 4 days a week. I haven't been able to work. Headaches are a daily occurrence and I had a whole month where I was vomiting all the time. I did not go 2 days without vomiting. I was supposed to get married this year but we postponed it due to illness. I thought I had a bad flu, the doctors even thought I had pneumonia. I feel like I've aged about 40 years because of this.

My boyfriend saw something about Hydroxycut on television and told me about it. That was about a month ago and I stopped taking it after that. I was taking a bit less than the recommended dose of Hydroxycut Max because too much of it gave me the shakes.

I mentioned it to my doctor 2 weeks ago. It was a short appointment, but she became concerned—worried about liver damage—so she ordered some tests and asked me to come in for a longer appointment. I've had blood work and a chest x-ray and I'm waiting for the test results.

The doctor asked why I didn't tell her I took Hydroxycut. I didn't think it was a problem. When they ask what medications you're on, you think of antidepressants and other [prescription] drugs. This has herbs—they sell it in health stores for goodness sake. I really didn't think it was a problem.

I wish I had read more about Hydroxycut when I got it. I saw it in every magazine but I didn't read about it. People should read more about what they are taking, even if [the supplements] are herbs. They should also mention it to their doctor. Hopefully nothing is life-threatening for me, but I feel it has changed my life."