Chantix User Afraid of What He Might Do

. By Jane Mundy

Some proponents of Chantix believe that the drug's psychological side effects, which range from nightmares to rage to suicide, only affect users with a history of mental health problems. But Carlton, who was prescribed the smoking cessation drug about two years ago, disagrees. Two weeks into the treatment program he started experiencing erratic "off-the-wall" nightmares. "I fly into a rage over the least little thing and I'm worried that I might hurt someone," he says.

"I get so mad so fast and at times I really want to hurt someone... I hope I never act on my impulses but it really scares me, especially when it comes to my family and my kids"
"It was unbelievable stuff, people were trying to kill me, I was getting cut up," says Carlton. "I was losing sleep because of these nightmares. I was also very moody and cranky, so I stopped taking Chantix, but not before I saw ads on TV and then did some research on the Internet about Chantix side effects.

"I didn't realize at the time that Chantix was causing my rage. No one told me what to expect from this drug. And my problems haven't gone away: I've been depressed ever since taking it, and little things set me off. If my wife says the wrong thing, I fly into a fit of rage.

"I've never had any mental problems and neither has anyone in my family, so I know this drug can affect anyone adversely. I've always been easygoing and easy to get along with. Now, I get so mad so fast and at times I really want to hurt someone. Of course this worries me. I hope I never act on my impulses but it really scares me, especially when it comes to my family and my kids. I haven't lost any friends from my behavior, but I prefer to stay away from people. I told my mom about Chantix and she can see the problems I am having. Unfortunately I don't have any insurance, so I can't seek professional help.

"Once I stopped taking Chantix I got stressed out and started smoking again. My dad has lung cancer and so did my grandfather and I don't want to end up like that. I've talked to some people and they have had good results with the med; they've managed to quit smoking without all these side effects—clearly it's not for everyone.

"When I first found out that Chantix had done this to me I was definitely upset and angry. And it was expensive, about $150 per month, and I took it for three months. You trust doctors who prescribe it and I assume these meds are clinically tested for a long time before getting approved. It doesn't make sense that Chantix was allowed into the marketplace. What if I do something, what if I hurt someone—I could pay for it for the rest of my life."

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