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Talcum Powder Lawsuit Alleges Ovarian Cancer Risk

Johnson & Johnson has been ordered to pay $72 million in damages in a talcum powder lawsuit that alleged a link between talcum powder and cancer. Plaintiffs in the lawsuit argued Johnson & Johnson knew about the risk of ovarian cancer linked to talc but failed to warn consumers about those risks. Additionally, one talc lawsuit alleges the baby powder caused Fallopian tube cancer, leading to wrongful death. Johnson & Johnson reportedly faces 1,000 talcum powder lawsuits in state and federal courts, some of which are scheduled for court later in 2016.



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Talcum Powder Allegations

jjbabypowderTalc is a mineral often used to absorb moisture in cosmetic products. Since the 1970s, studies have suggested that talc could be linked to ovarian cancer, according to the lawsuit. Lawyers argued that Johnson & Johnson knew of those studies but put profits ahead of human life by continuing to market their talc products for feminine hygiene use.

According to the American Cancer Society, whether or not asbestos-free talcum powder causes cancer is not clear. Although many case-control studies have reportedly found a small increased risk of cancer, those studies rely on a person's memory to record talc use. The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies the perineal (genital) use of talc-based powder as "possibly carcinogenic to humans."

In March, 2017, a talcum powder lawsuit was filed alleging wrongful death from Fallopian tube cancer caused by use of the powder. The complaint, Amie Cavazos, Individually and as Surviving Daughter of Rosalinda Cavazos v. Johnson & Johnson, Case No. 1:17-cv-00487, US District Court for the District of Columbia, states that Cavazos used the talcum powder from about 1978 to 2011 and was diagnosed with Fallopian tube cancer in 2013. She later died in 2015. The talc lawsuit alleges Johnson & Johnson failed to provide adequate warning about the hazardous health effects of using the talc.

Talcum Powder Damages

In their lawsuit (Hogans et al v. Johnson & Johnson, case number 1422-CC09012-01), the family of Jackie Fox alleged Fox's death from ovarian cancer in 2015 was at least partially caused by her use of Johnson & Johnson's talcum powder. In a deposition made before she died, Fox said she used talc powder every morning until her cancer diagnosis. The family argued Johnson & Johnson was aware of the potential link between talc and ovarian cancer but continued to market the product and did not properly warn consumers that they were at increased risk of ovarian cancer.

A jury agreed with Fox's family and awarded them $72 million in damages. Of those, $10 million were awarded in actual damages and $62 million were awarded in punitive damages. This was reportedly the first lawsuit concerning talc and ovarian cancer to go to trial.

Johnson & Johnson has said studies have shown talc is a safe cosmetic ingredient.

Talcum Powder Lawsuits

Bloomberg Business reports that there are more than 1,000 talcum powder lawsuits filed in state and federal courts in Missouri against Johnson & Johnson and another 200 filed in New Jersey. More trials are scheduled for later in 2016.

Talcum Powder Legal Help

If you or a loved one has suffered damages in this case, please click the link below and your complaint will be sent to a personal injury lawyer who may evaluate your claim at no cost or obligation.
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J&J Offers $6.48 Billion to Settle Ovarian Cancer Talcum Powder Lawsuits
J&J Offers $6.48 Billion to Settle Ovarian Cancer Talcum Powder Lawsuits
June 29, 2024
In May, Johnson & Johnson offered to pay roughly $6.48 billion over 25 years to settle all current and future talcum powder lawsuits. These lawsuits allege that baby powder containing asbestos-contaminated talc caused ovarian cancer. Erik Haas, J&J's worldwide vice president of litigation, insists that this offer is fundamentally different than the two that courts rejected before. If accepted, it would resolve 99.75 percent of J&J’s remaining talc lawsuits in the U.S. READ MORE

Johnson & Johnson Strikes Back
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April 5, 2024
On March 27, District Court Judge Michael Shipp issued a brief order that permits J&J to contest scientific evidence linking talc products to ovarian cancer. The ruling could seriously disrupt the 53,796 talcum powder lawsuits that have been consolidated in the District Court for the District of New Jersey. The order cites recent changes in the law and new scientific evidence. The changes in law – specifically the federal rules governing expert witnesses -- may have a significant impact on class action lawsuits in general. READ MORE

Last Dance, Last Chance for the Texas Two-Step in J&J Talc Litigation
Last Dance, Last Chance for the Texas Two-Step in J&J Talc Litigation
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Until mid-2023, the Johnson & Johnson talcum powder cancer lawsuits consolidated in the District Court of New Jersey have been essentially frozen in place, while the Third Circuit Court of Appeals evaluated J&J’s bankruptcy petitions. The stay involved a complicated bankruptcy scheme, commonly known as the “Texas two-step,” which would have permitted J&J to limit its financial liability by shifting the cancer claims to a newly-created, but severely underfunded subsidiary. READ MORE


Posted by

My mother passed in 2007 from ovarian cancer she had used Johnson&Johnson baby powder religiously every day since I was a year or two old and for a company to know that a product they're developing has ingredients in it that has a potential to cause a disease like cancer and do nothing about it to protect people like my dear mother it should be a death sentence for the makers just like it was for the users of the products an eye for an eye is how it should be my mother suferd a horrible death she suffered horribly they should have to pay every penny that was ever made off of baby powder period

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Perfumes, body creams and makeup have many ingredients which can be the causative agents or contributor of cancers, so if anyone has used these products it's more likely that your cancer was caused by that.

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lawyers should take a look at "monsanto" that and bayer and JOHNSON are all using monsanto's poison causing CANCER blood test's prove what's in the cells of the body. i'm wondering if the monsanto judge didn't get piles of money for her JUST US.....hmmmm just thinkin out loud.......

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I to had cervical cancer used this product from childhood. I to believe it is not over is only but cervical as well.

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My mother passed several years ago from ovarian cancer

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I was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2007 and had to have a radical hysterectomy. I have used Johnson and Johnson baby powder for over 50 years. I also used it on my child and my grandchildren. I had no idea that it caused cancer. It is horrible that Johnson and Johnson would allow anyone to use this product, especially on babies, knowing it caused cancer.

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I have used Johnson and Johnson since I can remember,and when I got older in my teens I used shower to shower .used up until I heard of it causing cancer in cervical and ovaries .used it as regular female hygiene .I have not been diagnosed w cancer .but I have worried everyday now .would I have any rights to claim anything,with not being diagnosed with cancer as of right now? It is mentally stressful wondering .if I could have it or will get it eventually .are there any suits,or anything to do if not been diagnosed yet??

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I've used talcum powder, specifically Johnson and Johnson baby powder or powder fresh products for years since I was younger. After hearing of the recent lawsuit against Johnson and Johnson I feel the need to do a Cancer screening and that it's 2017, it's quite possible for me to have testicular cancer. I hope it isn't so, but I will get right to the screening.

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Does anyone here actually answer GD questions?

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I have used Johnson's and Johnson's since childhood. I am 45 years old and was diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer in August 2014. I had a radical hysterectomy and lymph nodes removed. I am wondering if there is any link between the talc powder and my illness, especially after reading all of these posts.

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I was born in 1960. Brought up on Johnson & Johnson from and child up. Then switch over to Shower to Shower. Reading all these comments of all these women died of ovarian cancer! Mental anguish! I had a ovary removed back in the late 90's than had a partial hysterectomy. All this time I am using this product. I wasn't told tha I had cancer. But to they still sale this product! It's crazy. I have three daughters when they were baby I used this on them. ( Omg). Very Mental anguish!

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My dear mother died from Ovarian cancer in 1993. She was an avid user of J&J Baby and Shower to Shower. Actually, I still used it until recently cause of her introduction of it to us as kids.

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I had a high grade cancer in my bladder removed in 2013. I have to be checked several times a year. The urologist said I am at risk of the cancer returning. Could this be caused by the fact I used talcum powder?

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My mother died.in1973 from ovarian cancer and.was.a.faithful user.of.talc.products such as baby powder and shower to shower. My sister and I never.liked it so didn't use it and so far.okay. too bad there is a statute of.limitations

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I read a lot of information about the link to talc powder & ovarian cancer.
I read of many research studies that have been done dating back to the 60's.
How can we put a stop to being used as corporate test subjects while being profited from?

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Our entire family used this for used. neck, back, underarm, chest, inner thoughts, buttocks, shoes, and feet. My God my mother had cancer and died.

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My sister used Johnson & Johnson regularly. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 1999. Four years later, she passed away at age 43.....Why are they only interested in women diagnosed after 2000?

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I have used Johnson and Johnson, Shower to Shower also. I was raised by my grandparents and was taught to use this after bathing. As a normal person would, I continued to use personally daily for a long time. I'm not sure if Cervical Cancer is linked or caused by this as well. But I was diagnosed in April 2012. Cancer had spreaded from my cervix to my Colon and Bladder, which they removed. Total Hyst and Pelvic Exuneration. My life changed completely.

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My sister used Johnsons baby powder for year's & developed cervical cancer in 2003 & had a partial hysterectomy. Does anyone know if they are doing claims for this type of cancer yet ? Thanks.

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My daughter died of ovarian cancer at the age of 34. She left behind two small children, ages 3 and 7. When she was a baby I used Johnson & Johnson baby powder in her diaper all the time. As an adult she continued to use it. She died on June 3, 2000.

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I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2000. It required me having a hysterectomy. Since the surgery in Oct 2000, I have had bowel obstruction and was hospitalized twice. I had been using baby powder and Avon talc for years since childhood. I had no idea what caused the cancerous cells and the doctors suggested to have it removed. I did that. So if this study has just been found, now why is there a statute of limitations?

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I use baby powder and used to use Shower to Shower regularly and had cervical cancer 4 years ago. I'm just looking for some info. My doctors said there was no STD that caused it and I was too young, but no answer on what caused it.

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My mother used Shalimar Talc every day after her shower over her whole body for over 30 years. When she died of ovarian cancer on January 29, 2014, she had 2 bottles partially used in the bathroom. She was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer on Nov. 10, 2011. She passed away January 29, 2014 from ovarian cancer.

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I have cancer now. This is the second time that I have had it. I have used baby powder all my life growing up.

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Developed ovarian cancer back in 2000. Had to have partial hysterectomy due to this. Please help.


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