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Wrongful Deaths

Los Angeles, CA: (May-21-08) Several civil wrongful death and personal injury lawsuits were brought against Bayside District Corp., the city of Santa Monica and George Weller, pertaining to the Santa Monica farmers' market crash, which resulted in the death of 10 people, leaving dozens hurt. The damage occurred when an out-of-control car driven by an 86-year-old man plowed through the outdoor food stalls in July 2003. The suits claimed that the defendants Bayside District Corp., the city of Santa Monica and Weller, who drove his 1992 Buick LeSabre through more than 800 feet of Arizona Avenue on Jul. 16, 2003, were negligent. Sources stated that the Bayside District Corp. works with the city to conduct and regulate the farmers' market.

In a recent settlement reached in the case, the defendants agreed to a $6 million settlement, which will be shared by Bayside and the city. Additionally, the plaintiffs also will divide in an additional $152,000. Weller, now 91, has agreed to pay that sum. Sources stated that the settlement agreement came on the second day of scheduled jury selection for the trial of the suits brought by the last three groups of plaintiffs. These groups had not been part of an earlier $15 million settlement. [KNBC NEWS: SETTLEMENT REACHED IN FARMERS MARKET CRASH LAWSUITS]

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Published on May-26-08


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