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Tainted Lunchbox

Los Angeles, CA: (May-21-08) The Center for Environmental Health brought a lawsuit against T-A Creations Inc., a Los Angeles company, alleging that it sold 100,000 lead-tainted lunchboxes to the state health department in 2007. The suit stated that the center notified T-A Creations in April 2006 that it had found unsafe lead concentrations in one of its lunchboxes sold to a summer camp. The federal agency stated that despite the complaints, the company did nothing to correct the problem, forcing the center to sue T-A Creations in July 2006. Records show that public health authorities recalled 300,000 green and blue canvas lunchboxes the department had distributed throughout the state since 2004, in September 2007.

A spot check by a Sacramento County lab revealed that there were lead levels in some boxes that were significantly above the state's legal limit of 600 parts per million. Officials said that the Center for Environmental Health was pursuing a lawsuit against T-A Creations and other lunchbox sellers, aimed at reaching agreements to remove lead from their products. As part of a settlement reached in the case, T-A Creations Inc. agreed to pay a $10 million fine for violating California laws on toxic substances. [LOS ANGELES TIMES: L.A. FIRM IS FINED $10 MILLION OVER LEAD-TAINTED LUNCH BOXES]

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Published on May-24-08


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