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Wrongful Termination

Ventura, CA: (May-14-08) Donald Bartosh, a former Fire Department official, brought charges against the city of Ventura, claiming that it owed him money in back pay and benefits, after he was wrongfully fired. The dispute that resulted in a two-year battle between Bartosh and the city, stemmed from the time the veteran firefighter was let go and forced to go on disability because of heart disease.

Sources stated that as part of a recent development in the case, the two sides reached a settlement agreement, in which the city agreed to pay $750,000 and thousands more in back pay and benefits to resolve allegations. Additionally, Bartosh will be reinstated and is scheduled to return to duty Jul. 1, 08. Sources said that Bartosh will return in an administrative role, and because of his heart condition, the city has agreed to some flexibility in his workload. The deal stipulates that Bartosh, 53, will receive $750,000 for damages and legal fees. He also is due back pay and benefits, accrued vacation and sick time retroactive to Feb. 12, 2006. [VENTURA COUNTY STAR: FIREFIGHTER SETTLES SUIT WITH VENTURA]

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Published on May-17-08


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