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Wrongful Termination

Port St. Lucie, FL: (Apr-28-08) Deborah Zeccardi, a former license investigator in the city's building department, brought a lawsuit against the city, alleging that she was wrongfully fired without reason while on medical leave. The suit stated that Zeccardi worked for the city since 2001, until she had multiple fractures on her left foot in January 2007, requiring her to take about three months of medical leave.

Zeccardi stated that while she was in contact with a supervisor, she was informed that she was being fired for insubordination. Her dismissal was over a meeting she left, about her annual evaluation after being given a direct order by her supervisor to stay. The lawsuit claimed her firing, on April 6, 2007, while she was on leave was wrong and without adequate cause. The city denied the accusations in court papers, saying the firing was not related to her leave.

Sources stated that the two sides have reached a settlement in the case, though neither of them revealed the terms of the agreement, calling it amicable. Court papers reveal that before the settlement was announced, the case was set for trial in July 08. [TC PALM: WOMAN WHO CLAIMED TO BE FIRED WITHOUT REASON SETTLES CASE IN PSL]

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Published on May-1-08


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