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Boy Struck in Crosswalk

Gilroy, CA: (Mar-21-08) Balbina and Jesus Mendoza-Trejo Sr., the parents of a 5-year-old boy, brought a wrongful death lawsuit against the city of Gilroy, after the boy was struck and killed by a truck nearly two years ago. The suit, filed in January 2007, stated that the city was responsible for the death of Brayan Trejo, who was killed in June 2006 while crossing 10th Street at the intersection with Church Street.

The boy, riding on a red scooter with his 13-year-old brother Jesus, had the right of way as they headed south across 10th Street. Witnesses stated that a southbound truck turned left and struck the younger boy. Robertina Franco, the driver, was criminally-convicted for her negligence, but she never served time in jail. Court records show that she did community service instead and received probation and paid a $110 fine.

Sources stated that the two sides had reached a settlement agreement, resolving the wrongful death suit. Under the terms of the deal, the city agreed to a $130,000 settlement with the family of the 5-year-old boy. City officials say that the Trejo family will receive a maximum settlement payment of $30,000 coming from Franco's insurer, and the remaining balance will be split between the city and its insurer. [MORGAN HILL TIMES: WRONGFUL DEATH CLAIM SETTLED IN GILROY]

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Published on Mar-24-08


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