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Sick Man Fired

Buckingham, PA: (Mar-12-08) Max Weisman, a former township manager, brought a wrongful termination lawsuit against Buckingham township, after he was improperly fired in 2003. The suit claimed that the township breached its employment contract with Weisman, violating several federal laws in doing so. Weisman's suit originally sought about $1 million in damages.

In its defense, Buckingham stated that it followed protocol when it fired Weisman, who suffered from bipolar disorder among other mental health issues. Township officials said that on Dec. 2, 2002, Weisman left work at lunchtime and did come back. He was partially hospitalized four days later and placed on 12 weeks medical leave from which he did not return.

In a settlement agreement reached recently, both sides agreed to resolve the suit with the city's paying out $75,000 to settle Weisman's claims. Additionally, Weisman will receive another $325,000 from Buckingham's insurance company. Officials stated that the agreement was unanimously approved by supervisors and does not admit any wrongdoing by the township. [THE INTELLIGENCER: BUCKINGHAM SETTLES]

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Published on Mar-13-08


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