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Bisexual Teacher

Palo Alto, CA: (Feb-07-08) Emmit Hancock, a former fifth-grade teacher, brought a lawsuit against the Ravenswood City School District, alleging that he was forced to quit after admitting to students he was once gay. Records stated that on the first day of school in 2004, Hancock, a new teacher, said he heard some boys calling each other derogatory names used to describe homosexual men. When he told them not to use those words, he was asked if he was gay. Hancock stated that he told them he had been gay for about five years but was now married. Following that, word of Hancock's bisexuality spread through the school and eventually to parents, who called and complained to the school and the district. Hancock claimed school officials censored his classroom and hardly let him teach until Principal Robin Miller asked him to resign.

Sources close to the case stated that the two sides had reached a settlement, where the Ravenswood City School District agreed to pay the 29-year-old teacher a year's salary, or $41,000 to resolve the sexual discrimination lawsuit he filed in October 2005. Officials said the district settled for two main reasons; uncertainty about the time and cost of a trial and the difficulty of bringing in some primary witnesses who have left the district. [SAN MATEO COUNTY TIMES: BISEXUAL TEACHER]

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Published on Feb-10-08


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