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Riders Police Scandal

Oakland, CA: (Oct-17-07) Keith Batt, a former Oakland police officer, brought a lawsuit against the city, claiming that he was forced to quit his job with the Oakland Police Department and suffered emotional distress while on the job. Batt was the officer who kicked off the "Riders" police brutality scandal that plagued the department for more than three years. Batt's allegations were made against four officers who patrolled the streets of West Oakland during overnight shifts. Batt said the officers made false police reports, beat suspects, and planted evidence on residents to trump up arrests. He stated that that his federal civil rights were violated when he reported police misconduct to superiors in 2000, and that he received threats and retaliation from at least one of the officers implicated in the misconduct case.

Although the case was slated for trial, and though the city did not admit any wrongdoing, it seemed in the best interests of both parties to reach a settlement rather than face the risks and costs of protracted litigation. As part of the deal, the city's insurance company agreed to pay Batt $625,000, ending the suit. [SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE: POLICE SCANDAL]

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Published on Oct-18-07


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I don't understand but I never received my money and then I have another arbitration case 2 hours awarded millions of dollars but I'll continuously being Cyber attack of continuously losing emails and I just lost another phone number that the phone companies are refusing to let me keep because they were attached to my financial life and now it's making it possible for me to get in my account I paid my bill not even 15 days before they cut it off and they're trying to do everything in their power to keep me from paying the bill they will not allow me to do it to financial institutes are not allowing me to cancel credit cards because I was awarded a lot of money. Screenshots I have conversation I have a whole lot of evidence against financial institutions cleaning my benefits but I am properly owned and was given to by the courts I even have evidence of cash and follow my taxes without my permission and paying quarterly and I have not received the quarter of the money that the taxes reflected and when I ask about it they shut down my account


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