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Pregnancy Leave Discrimination

Scotland, UK: (Sep-27-07) Melanie Given, an accountant with Offshore Hydrocarbon Mapping, an offshore oil-services company in Aberdeen, threatened to sue the firm and take it to an employment tribunal, alleging that she was discriminated against because she was pregnant. Her complaint stated that her high-flying career was reduced to little more than a pen pushing role simply because she had been pregnant. The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) Scotland sponsored the case to highlight the difficulties facing pregnant women returning to work. Given, who had held the post of management accountant at Offshore Hydrocarbon Mapping, said that after she complained about her demotion, she was stripped of her job title. Given, 33, who had worked for the company for two years and returned from maternity leave in March 2007, said she had been the sole breadwinner as her husband had given up his job to look after their children. Given alleged that when she returned to work, her role had less responsibility and status, and that she had never been offered the opportunity of applying for a promoted post because she had been on maternity leave.

In an out of court settlement reached, Offshore Hydrocarbon Mapping agreed to pay Given more than £20,000 to resolve the pregnancy discrimination allegations. [SCOTSMAN: PREGNANCY DISCRIMINATION]

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Published on Sep-27-07


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