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Denise Richards and Pamela Anderson

Los Angeles, CA: (Aug-06-07) Two photographers Scott Cosman and Rik Fedyck brought a lawsuit against celebrities Denise Richards and Pamela Anderson, alleging that the actresses made false statements about them to Canadian police and the media about a confrontation in Vancouver. The lawsuit was filed in March 2007 in Los Angeles Superior Court, alleging defamation, invasion of privacy, battery and false arrest. They claimed that Anderson and Richards went public, wrongly claiming that the men had engaged in criminal activity and had sneaked onto a movie set where the actresses were filming "Blond and Blonder" in November 2006. The lawsuit also alleged Richards pushed both men, took their laptop computers from their hands and threw the devices over a balcony, hitting a woman in a wheelchair below. In a settlement reached, the two actresses paid an undisclosed sum of money to the photographers to end the lawsuit. [CBS NEWS: PHOTOGRAPHER DEFAMATION]

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Published on Aug-7-07


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