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Stephen Lamberis

Gloucester, MA: (May-17-07) The city of Gloucester approved a $25,000 settlement to Patrolman Stephen Lamberis, who was on paid administrative leave for 17 months pending the results of an investigation by Gloucester's police chief John Beaudette, who claimed that the patrolman made $136,000 while out on the 17-month paid administrative leave. The settlement was made in exchange for the patrolman waiving his right to sue the city for racial and medical discrimination. Chief John Beaudette also contested accusations that his department is dysfunctional and has a morale problem. The Police Department is run by the chief, who manages 13 superior officers and 47 patrolmen. The agreement Lamberis reached with the city when he returned to duty Jan. 21 included a confidentiality clause binding both Lamberis and the city. Following a public records request, the city released a redacted copy of the agreement that spelled out its terms, but blacked out the particulars of the accusations against Lamberis. Gloucester's police chief stands by his investigation of a patrolman who made $136,000 while out on a 17-month paid administrative leave and says there are no communication problems in his department, disputing recent criticism from his patrolmen and city councilors. [GLOUCESTER DAILY TIMES: DISCRIMINATION]

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Published on May-18-07


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