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Tulsa, OK

Tulsa, OK: (Feb-14-07) A lawsuit was filed by Natasha and Terrell Hampton as well as Diana Doxey and Martinez Owens against the city alleging negligence caused the death of their sons. Terrel Hampton, 9, and Martinez Owens, 7, died on August 5, 2005 after having contracted naegleria fowleri while playing at the splash pad in Mohawk Park. The boys were exposed to the naegleria fowleri amoeba; the rare infection occurs when the amoeba enters the body through the nose, travels through the nasal passage and follows the central nervous system to the brain. A judge ruled in favor of the parents asking the city to pay $315,000 which will be split between the two families. [FOX 23 NEWS: WATERPARK DEATHS]

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Published on Feb-22-07


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