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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The parents of a young college student filed a $27 million lawsuit against Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) over the apparent suicide of their 19 year old daughter, Elizabeth Shin, have settled the case for an undisclosed amount.

Shin died in a fire in her dormitory room in 2000, after making a series of suicidal threats. Toxicology results revealed that the student had overdosed on a number of drugs, including nonprescription medication, which likely made her unresponsive to the fire started by candles in her dorm room. The parents argued that the university did not do enough to protect their daughter and failed to take her suicide threats seriously. However, evidence presented in the first stages of the trial indicated that Shin's death was likely due to an accident and not suicide, as there was no fire accelerant or suicide note, despite Shin being a prolific writer.

Since Shin's death and a number of student suicides, the university has made changes to the mental health services it offers at the institute.

The undisclosed settlement puts an end to a litigious procedure that would decide the extent of responsibility that should be placed on college officials who fail to prevent suicides. (Apr-04-05) [BOSTON GLOBE]

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Published on Apr-13-06


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