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  • Paxil, Pregnancy and Birth Defects
    Nov-9-06 Newfoundland, PA "My psychiatrist prescribed Paxil when I was three months pregnant," says Jaime Curtis. "I feel like it is my fault that I did this to my kid; it just breaks my heart when he can't breathe." Jaime was never told about Paxil's link to birth defects. "I had a normal pregancy, just like my other two, and Geoni was born just five days...
  • FDA and Big Pharma Gang Up On Joe Citizen
    Nov-6-06 Washington, DC: The botched safety processes at the FDA have had an extremely negative impact on the nation's public health and tens of thousands of people have died as a result of its negligent handling of the Vioxx debacle alone. Americans today can no more trust what's in their medicine cabinets than could the pioneers in the 1800s who filled their m...
  • GlaxoSmithKline Paxil Promotion Class Action Settlement
    Edwardsville, IL: A class action lawsuit was filed against the pharmaceutical company for allegedly promoting its antidepressant drug Paxil for use by children and adolescents while withholding negative information about the medication's safety and effectiveness. The class includes all US residents who bought Paxil or Paxil CR for their children. Madi...
  • Glaxo gets Hit with another Paxil Birth Defects Lawsuit
    Oct-17-06 Denver, CO Two years ago, little Eric Jackson was born with persistent pulmonary hypertension, a life-threatening lung disorder in which an infant's arteries to the lungs remain constricted after birth, limiting the amount of blood flow to the lungs and oxygen in the bloodstream. Persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN) is associated with substantial in...
  • Paxil Settlement brings relief to Patient
    Oct-2-06 Glendale Foothills, CA Thanks to your website,, I received a settlement for Paxil. Although I wasn't surprised that GlaxoSmithKline settled, I was really surprised at the amount - it was much more than I ever anticipated," says Janice Williams. "I went through a lot of anguish with Paxil and my settlement was justified but...
  • Uphill Battle - Warning Pharma Customers about Dangers of SSRIs
    Sep-29-06 Recent concerns about the adverse effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants (SSRIs) have focused on suicide risks. However, a new study published in the September 2006 journal, Public Library of Science (PLoS), reports that in addition to self-harm, the drugs can also cause some patients to become violent and homicidal. Professor...
  • Paxil: A Mother's Anguish
    Sep-22-06 Albaquerque, NM: "I want to share our Paxil story with you," says Carly Connors, "because our daughter has had to fight every day of her life since she was born and no little kid should have to do that." I was prescribed Paxil in July 2004 for depression and anxiety attacks," says 22 year-old Carly (not her real name pending a lawsuit). "That Sept...
  • Latest Pfizer Celebrex Court Ruling 50-50
    Sep-11-06 San Francisco, CA According to Pfizer, Celebrex is still selling like hot cakes with worldwide sales totalling $471 million ($355 million in the US) in the second quarter of 2006, representing growth of 17% over the same period last year. "We continue to expect full-year Celebrex revenues of at least $2 billion, an ambitious target given the ongoing...
  • Big Pharma Bankrupting US Health Care System
    Aug-29-06 ig Pharma is bankrupting the nation's health care system by convincing prescribing doctors to over-medicate patients with expensive psychiatric drugs and then send the bills to government programs like Medicaid and Medicare. The peddling of the new generation of psychiatric drugs that include the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors antidepressants (S...
  • Birth Defects could have been prevented
    Aug-10-06 "If the doctors had the right information and found out that pregnant women should not take Paxil, Matthew would be a normal, healthy boy running around, playing with his friends," says Angala Nelms of Laurinburg, North Carolina. "I want to leave it up to the lawyers to deal with GlaxoSmithKline. These drug makers say they are out there to help you but m...
  • Paxil Category Warning too late for my Baby
    Aug-3-06 "This is what I want to say to GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturers of Paxil: How can you let money come before people's lives and well-being and have no conscience?" In 2001, 22-year-old Nancy Jones went to a mental health clinic to seek treatment for anxiety and depression and was prescribed Paxil. Unfortunately, Jones didn't know that she was three mont...
  • Paxil: A Mother's Warning
    Jul-31-06 etty Johnson of Pittsburg was taking Paxil for depression but took herself off the drug three months into her pregnancy. And that may have been too late. "I am angry that the drug makers GlaxoSmithKline allowed so many people to be on Paxil. Why didn't they test Paxil more thoroughly," says Johnson. "There should have been more tests - I don't know if pregna...
  • GlaxoSmithKline Sued Over Paxil Birth Defects
    Jul-29-06 A lawsuit was filed against GlaxoSmithKline on July 28, 2006, in Philadelphia on behalf of Adrian Vasquez, who was born on April 19, 2004, with birth defects as a result of his mother having been prescribed Paxil during pregnancy. Paxil belongs to the class of antidepressant drugs known as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs). At birth, Ad...
  • Paxil warning: Baby at Risk
    Jul-28-06 Pregnant women must carefully consider whether or not to take Paxil. Studies published in the last year examining the effects of antidepressants on both pregnant women and their infants have produced some alarming results. One finding shows risks to women who stop taking their antidepressants while pregnant. On the other hand, taking antidepressants such...
  • TeenScreen - Prescription Drug Pusher In Schools
    Jul-17-06 Whenever a TeenScreen article appears in the mainstream media, it never discusses the fact that the survey is being used to label children with any number of mental illnesses. The point needs to be made that this so-called "suicide prevention tool" has a lofty purpose alright, but caring about whether or not kids commit suicide ain't it. According to atto...
  • Lawsuits - Only Weapon Available Against Giant Big Pharma Pushers
    Jul-11-06 Over the past several years, new studies have shown the new generation of psychiatric drugs to be not only extremely dangerous but also ineffective, and the majority of these medications in fact now carry black box warnings about a number of life-threatening side effects associated with their use. The drugs include selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor...
  • Bush's Mental Illness Screening Squad On the Move
    Jul-9-06 The tax dollar funded mental health screening programs popping up in every corner of the nation represent an enormous gift to Big Pharma from the Bush administration. After all, drug companies can't push drugs without a lucrative customer base, so the screening programs are a great solution for that little problem. On April 29, 2002, Bush kicked off th...
  • Big Pharma Research Racket Is Killing People
    Jun-23-06 Over the past six years, ten FDA approved drugs have been withdrawn from the market due to deaths and injuries, leading lawmakers to accuse the FDA of not doing its job in protecting the public from unsafe drugs and to call for measures of improvement. On June 20, 2006, the New York Times reported that "two influential senators are expected within weeks t...
  • Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Help Send Kids To Prison
    May-29-06 In 2003, the pharmaceutical industry passed out $16.4 billion worth of free drug samples to doctors. These so-called free samples are literally killing people. Two young lads who were lucky enough to get free samples of Zoloft are now sitting in prison. After visits to their family doctors, Christopher Pittman and Zachary Schmidkunz were both sent home wi...
  • Neurontin Deal - Slap On The Hand To Pfizer
    May-25-06 The off-label prescribing of drugs has become a serious problem over the past decade. Doctors are adjusting dosage levels and prescribing drugs for medical indications and treatment durations for which the drugs were never approved or intended. When the FDA approves a drug, it also approves the labeling for the drug, which explains the manner in which the...
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